Sunday, May 22, 2011

ROLAND GARROS: The French Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, headlining the first day

Jo-Wilfried Tsonga will be the attraction of a lean first day at Roland Garros where Manceau, as opposed to modest Czech Jan Hajek, will be responsible to lead the way to the French camp.

Introduced in 2006, the "Sunday start" allows the tournament to start gently with a small lineup that has only one Top 10 player, David Ferrer, and the outgoing runner Samantha Stosur this year.

The projectors will therefore focus trained on the eleven French and especially Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, whose beginnings are expected in Paris where he lines up for the fourth time this year without a coach.

For N.18 world, it is better to start than last year when, also scheduled the first Sunday, he struggled for five sets to the unknown German Daniel Brands, a burst of energy that would cost him dearly since it had left behind in eighth in the final against Mikhail Youzhny.

On paper, Jan Hajek, 121st World, it can be a danger even less. Skimming the circuit for a while now, the player Olomouc, 27, has never been ranked higher than 71st, 2006, and was easily beaten Tsonga 6-3, 6-2 in their only meeting, Barcelona on clay in 2010.

"This is a first round of Grand Slam. There is always some tension.But I realize that it is within my reach, "admitted Tsonga who said this time ready to play", unlike last year when he did not expect to have to enter the track on Sunday.

"My coaches prepared me to start on Monday or Tuesday, remembers there. It hurt me a bit. The evidence, I came with soreness on the Central face Daniel Brands.I came close to disaster because I remember he had made the break at the beginning of the fifth set ... "

Manceau addition, the French public will face Julien Benneteau in Portuguese Rui Machado and watch a feat David Guez before the Ukrainian Sergiy Stakhocvsky, seeded N.31, or Augustine Gensse face Switzerland's Stanislas Wawrinka (N.14 ) Tsonga potential opponent in the third round.

Note also the two fratricidal duels between Adrian Mannarino and Guillaume Rufin and between Vincent Millot Maxime and Texeira.

Among girls, Mathilde Johansson has the honor of facing the Central German Julia Goerges (n.17) Aliz Cornet then open the tournament on the Suzanne Lenglen before the Czech Renata Voracova.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Croke Park, the symbol of the march towards Independence

On the second day of his visit to Ireland, Queen Elizabeth II visited this Wednesday at Croke Park stadium in Dublin. A highly symbolic passage in the process of reconciliation between Britain and its neighbor.Croke Park has long remained the undisputed temple of Gaelic sports - such as hurling, Gaelic football and Camogie.

The stadium, which has a capacity of 82,300 seats, was opened to other sports (like football and rugby) in 2005, 92 years after its commissioning in 1913.

Most importantly, Croke Park was in 1920, the scene of a massacre orchestrated by British forces that helped lead to independence.

On the morning of November 21, 1920, the Irish Republican Army (IRA), Armed Force independence, launched a commando in several places in Dublin to remove a network of agents of British intelligence.The review of the operation was high: in the ranks UK, 12 people were killed and two paramilitaries in the pay of the Crown.

In the afternoon, the regular British police, backed by paramilitaries, decides to conduct a "punitive expedition" during a Gaelic football match, sports flagship of Ireland.

Catalyst for the march towards Independence

The British forces entering Croke Park, where 5,000 people gathered, and opened fire on the crowd. Fourteen people, including a woman, two children and two players were killed.

London, which had not been informed of the operation, is struggling to justify the massacre.The official version of the authorities reported a police action aimed at searching the audience to uncover potential supporters of the IRA and said that it is they who opened fire first.

Subsequent surveys will invalidate this thesis.Seventy-nine years later, the "Bloody Sunday" ("Bloody Sunday", not to be confused with the 1972 in Londonderry, Ed) is still remembered for the Irish as one of the pivotal events of the march the country to Independence.

Indeed, he helped establish the resentment against Great Britain in the Irish population, until the formal independence of Eire in 1922.

In Ireland, Croke Park is more than a major sporting complex. It is a temple of Irish culture, a monument dedicated to the memory of the struggle for national independence.

Monday, May 16, 2011

FRANCE: The number two in the IMF, John Lipsky, will act in the absence of DSK

The International Monetary Fund will take in an "informal" Sunday a special meeting of its board of directors after the arrest Saturday in New York's chief executive, Dominique Strauss-Kahn announced the institution.

"It is expected that the board will hold an informal meeting today to be kept informed of developments relating to the Chief," said the Fund in a statement.

"In accordance with normal procedures of the IMF, John Lipsky, first deputy managing director, is interim CEO when the CEO is not in Washington. Mr.Lipsky will chair the informal meeting of the board today, "the IMF added.

The Egyptian-American-British "Nemat Shafik, the Assistant Director General who oversees the work of the IMF in a number of countries of the European Union, will attend the Eurogroup meeting on Monday in Brussels," has also announced the IMF.

Strauss-Kahn had originally planned to attend the meeting of finance ministers of the euro area.

The IMF board is composed of representatives from 24 countries and country groups. It may initiate disciplinary proceedings against the Director General in cases of "serious violations" of the code of conduct for officials of the institution.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

FRANCE: The illegal residents will no longer be grounds for incarceration

France is not going to detain aliens for the sole reason for staying illegally in its territory, even if they refuse to be escorted to the border, under a ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union, according to a circular issued Thursday by the Chancellery and consulted by AFP.

The Luxembourg Court, written by an Italian court ruled April 28 illegal detention of irregular migrants if he refuses to leave the country.

"To comply with the decision of 28 April", the circular requires prosecutors not to place in custody and shall not proceed in case of an alien "violent behavior toward people in authority or public result of fraud (false paperwork), detachable from the offense of illegal residence or subtraction to an expulsion. "

The text also mentions "behavior to obstruct the enforcement of the expulsion order by the administrative authority was when first implementing the detention."

"It will be necessary now, before any prosecution based on Article 624-1 of Ceseda (code entry and stay of foreigners and asylum) to focus on characterizing a manifest lack of cooperation in the phase identification takes place during the administrative detention or resistance to the execution of the forced expulsion procedure, "recommends the circular.

According to the text, the European arrest produced "differences of interpretation between the various courts of appeal" in France, where illegal residence and subtraction are subject to deportation in prison.

Pursuant to this ruling, decisions favorable to foreigners were made in Nimes, Rennes and Toulouse and others against, were made in Paris and Marseille.

The ruling of the ECJ follows the "Return Directive" on the 2008 European arrangements deportation which provides for enforcement measures proportionate and graduated. Administrative detention is a last resort, according to this Directive which considers the sentence inconsistent with the objective of removing a foreigner.

Monday, May 9, 2011

MEXICO: 85 000 people protested against violence related to drug trafficking

More than 85,000 people, according to an estimate of city officials, marched silently Sunday in Mexico City against the violence unleashed by drug traffickers and the military response of the state, culminating in a march of four days left Thursday for Cuernavaca 90 km south of the Mexican capital.

The march "for peace, security and justice" was launched at the initiative of the poet and journalist Javier Sicilia, whose son was murdered in March.At the head of a crowd carrying a silent sea of ​​white balloons bearing the names of victims of violence, Javier Sicilia entered in the late afternoon on the Zocalo, the huge central square of Mexico, while only were heard the bells of the cathedral.

Protesters call for end to violence by drug traffickers and the rapid withdrawal of the 50,000 soldiers who have to confront the drug cartels since December 2006, the date of arrival in power of President Felipe Calderon.

According to official figures, this offensive has killed 34,600 between December 2006 and December 2010.According to estimates by the press, more than 3,000 additional people have died since early 2011.

"We want to give the faces, names, dates, each of these 40,000 victims has left behind this deadly strategy," told AFP Javier Sicilia from the event.

"National security is not only letting the troops on the street is a lot of other things," he said."We have to sit around a table and think about strategy, because what has been done so far has been a mistake."

The march had started on Thursday in the city of Cuernavaca, 90 km south of the Mexican capital - where last March 28, were found dead in a car and a son of Javier Sicilia, Juan Francisco, and six other people showing signs of torture. The killings were attributed by the government to a cartel of drug traffickers.

This is the second protest called by Javier Sicilia since the death of his son.The next initiative will be the signing of a pact in June for the national dignity, in Ciudad Juarez, northern Mexico, the city hardest hit by violence, with more than 3,000 deaths in 2010.

Leading the demonstration, carrying the flag of Mexico, also appeared Sunday Julian LeBaron, leader of a Mormon community in the state of Chihuahua (northern), whose son was murdered after being abducted."I'm here to be remembered for an end to impunity."

Behind him, holding his arms, marched Javier Sicilia and other relatives of victims with dozens of posters bearing the pictures of men and women dead or missing in the past four years.

Practicing Catholic, the poet had begun the day from the campus by a group prayer with other supporters. On the way, joined the procession Solalinde Father Alejandro, an advocate for immigrants from Central and South America who pass through Mexico to reach the United States.In August 2010, 72 immigrants from these regions had been murdered in a town north of the country by the cartel Zetas, a gang formed by former military elite of the Mexican army.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

FRANCE: September 30th Cent Tunisians forcibly evicted from a squat in Paris by the police

Shortly after 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, 137 Tunisian nationals were violently evacuated a building unsafe in the 19th arrondissement of Paris for three days they were squatting.

More than 200 riot police equipped with helmets, shields and batons, were loaded 137 Tunisians, and some twenty activists. Several witnesses have reported police violence against free squatters. "Members of the support committees and elected officials have made a human chain in front of the building.But they were jostled and manhandled by the police who broke down the door before entering, "says FRANCE 24 Ariane Calvo, deputy mayor of the 20th district, introduced during the evacuation." The 137 Tunisians were removed one after the other, molested and some flat on the ground without any help. They were scared to death. Many are minor, they would be mounted in the truck anyway, "continued Assistant Ariane Calvo. Detention for" damaging public property "The Tunisians were immediately placed on hold to a view in three police stations of 18th, 19th and 20th district.Only seven have been released. The 130 others were detained after being treated to a visit from a lawyer and a medical examination. According to several sources, the prosecutors took over the case. Migrants in an irregular situation, are charged with "damaging public property in a meeting". At 19 o'clock Wednesday night, no one was able to say more about their fate would be reserved. But given the government's determination in its desire to contain the flow of migrants from Lampedusa, associations like the elected left-mobilized by the evacuation feared a return to all its inmates in administrative detention center (ARC) followed by deportation ."We demand that the government respects the cooperation agreement signed between France and Tunisia in 2008 providing for the reception of 9000 Tunisian wishing to work in France. And we demand the establishment of an appropriate plan to help those who wish to return to Tunisia, "says FRANCE 24 Boistard Pascale, deputy mayor of Paris in charge of integration and non-EU foreigners.

Emergency accommodation precarious

Young migrants slept for several days or even weeks, in Parisian gardens, including the Parc de la Villette and the Parc de Belleville. Surviving in the most precarious and minimum hygiene conditions, migrants sought shelter at all costs.
"I visited the Parc de la Villette on Tuesday morning with Eva Joly and it was really indecent. A scabies epidemic was being spread. Another had leukemia. It really was not helping a person in danger" says Julien Bayou, a member of the collective Black Thursday. They have invested the building at 51 Avenue Simon Bolivar, on the night of Sunday to Monday.Police said between 80 and 100 Tunisians have occupied the building on Avenue Bolivar, while some occupants suggest a figure of 200, including several minors. "They were constantly harassed by police, were sleeping under the stars for many nights and nights. They just wanted a roof," says Oumeya Sedik, Member of the Tunisian Federation of the two banks (FTRD), their side since Sunday night. Bad choice though. The building, abandoned for several years, is dangerous. The risks of fire and collapse had finally convinced the collective black Thursday to leave the places they had invested in mid-April.
Considering the failure of negotiations held "dangerous and not intended as accommodation," according to a statement, the Paris City Council made the application for discharge after 48 hours of negotiations that resulted in failure.

"The situation was really tense after failed negotiations. Faced with this situation, we took our responsibilities and requested evacuation. But we regret," said Pascale Boistard FRANCE 24.

In the day Tuesday, elected officials and city officials tried to convince the Tunisians to leave the building to reach accommodation not funded the City: 100 seats were made available immediately in three shelters with a promise of 50 additional places. A proposal from the insufficient number of applicants continues to increase. Afraid of being separated, arrested or caught in an ambush during the transfer, the Tunisians have refused to leave Bolivar Avenue. "The migrants found themselves in an impossible situation to have to choose who would stay and who would go, says Oumaya Sedik.There was no question that some are housed and the other thrown in the street. In addition, they have not risked their lives to come here and beg for homeless housing, "protested Oumeya Sedik stressing that some had a residence permit issued in Italy." He does not have permission Living in France to come, "warned Claude Gueant, during his meeting with his Italian counterpart, last April 8 in Milan. According to several sources, the interior minister was in the 19th district police station this Wednesday afternoon even as police conducted this evacuation muscular.

(Photo credit: Pierre Morel)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

LIGUE 1: Marseille and Lyon for quacks who let escape Lille

REUTERS - Exceeded Saturday Lille, Marseille was held in check Sunday Auxerre 1-1 and leaves the Yankees the lead in Ligue 1, Lyon looks to only a little further after its 2-0 defeat to Toulouse at the 33th day.

62 points with five games remaining, the Olympians are to a length of Lille, Avignon, Arles who defeated 5-0 Saturday while Lyons wins behind the leading duo, with 56 points - the same total as Paris, Another beneficiary of the weekend with the Dogue de Rudi Garcia.

At the Velodrome, the pair Jordan and Andre Ayew associated with Mathieu Valbuena attack, ensured the show in the first period but failed to find the net.

After the break, Andrew, the eldest of the siblings, tumbles into his lane on the left. Its center was deflected by the defense Burgundian lands at the feet of Valbuena, isolated at the far post, who deceives Olivier Sorin.

For twenty minutes, the Marseille are virtually leaders. But in the 77th minute, the Korean Jung Jo-Gook, who arrived at Auxerre this winter, inherits a long ball and enjoys an output of hazardous Mandanda.

Attempts by Andre-Pierre Gignac and Andre Ayew in added time did not allow the OM recover.

Lyon exceeded

"We are disappointed because we wanted to keep the head (...).We'll have to get back to work, "said Valbuena interviewed by Foot +.

Taking advantage of his draw in Auxerre was in 14th place, one point above the relegation zone.

If Marseille remains in the title race, Lyon deviates more and more after an afternoon in the Haute-Garonne black.

Lyon have conceded two goals and two red cards.

Largely overtaken by Toulouse, Rhôdanien have conceded a first goal in the 28th minute by defender Mauro Cetto Toulouse.In the 68th minute, Aly Cissokho lobb inadvertently his own goalkeeper Hugo Lloris.

The same Cissokho, punishable by a red card, joined the locker room in the 84th minute, leaving his partner, already reduced to ten men after exclusion of Michel Bastos, finishing with nine.

The OL is now seven lengths in the first place and sees the PSG winner Valenciennes 3-1 on Saturday night, returning to its height, threatening his place on the podium, qualifying for the preliminary round of the Champions League.

At the bottom of the table, Caen is out of the relegation zone thanks to its 4-0 victory over Nice in the field and gives up his 18th place in Nancy, which is the cost of its 1-0 defeat at Sochaux on Saturday night.

The Normans back in 15th place, level on points with their opponents the day, but with a more favorable goal difference.

Brest and Montpellier have not managed to tie in Herault (0-0).

Thursday, April 28, 2011

COTE D'IVOIRE: Ibrahim Coulibaly, head of the Commando invisible, killed by FRCI in Abobo

Forces Ivorian president Alassane Ouattara killed Wednesday night the former coup leader Ibrahim Coulibaly, known as "IB", head of the commando invisible "in the north of Abidjan, which was perceived as a threat even if the power had contributed to the fall of Laurent Gbagbo.

Several hundred members of the Republican Forces of Côte d'Ivoire (FRCI), equipped with pickup topped with heavy machine guns and rocket launchers, launched Wednesday morning a major attack against the stronghold of "IB" in the popular district of Abobo (north), noted AFP.

After this "security operation and peace", "IB + + is sought refuge in a yard (residential) near a factory in PK-18 (north of Abobo)," said the AFP Captain Leo Kouakou Alla, spokesman of the Ministry of Defence.

Hostage taking and summation

In this court, Ibrahim Coulibaly "took hostage an entire family. FRCI made warning shots twice and he responded with gunfire.The FRCI had no choice but to retaliate, and the response has been fatal, "added the spokesman.

The clash that took place around 20:00 (GMT) has made "two soldiers killed and several wounded," FRCI side, and "seven lives" in the opposing camp, where "IB" itself, he said.

The FRCI had progressed during the day in his fief without encountering any real resistance.

The "commando invisible" had contributed to the downfall of former President Laurent Gbagbo on April 11, destabilizing his regime by increasing control of the north of Abidjan at the beginning of the year.

The appeal of Alassane Ouattara

President Ouattara had Friday called the former coup of 1999 and 2002 to disarm his men, under penalty of being compelled by force.

"We asked for a week, ten days, the time to explain to the combatants that they must disarm unconditionally. We must convince them that they can lay down their arms without fear for their lives", told AFP at the beginning Felix the offensive ennobled, number two commando invisible. "

"IB" had asked to be received by the Head of State to make available. His entourage had accused Prime Minister Guillaume Soro to block this request.

Mr.Soro was historic adversary of Ibrahim Coulibaly in charge of the rebellion of 2002 failed coup against Gbagbo, whose forces he finally took the head and which now forms the bulk of FRCI.

Ibrahim Coulibaly, one of the most mysterious of the Ivorian scene for a decade, had claimed in recent days his part in the downfall of Mr. Gbagbo, while providing stand under the authority of Alassane Ouattara, which had been the bodyguard.

In an interview with French daily La Croix, published Thursday, Mr. Ouattara has estimated that nearly 3,000 death toll of post-election violence in Côte d'Ivoire, while the UN reported nearly 1,000 dead.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

MOROCCO: Thousands of people march for democracy in several cities

AFP - Several thousand people demonstrated peacefully Sunday in the cities of Morocco, for the third time since the beginning of the year, demand more democracy and social justice, despite the recent release by King Mohammed VI of political prisoners and its promise of significant reforms.

Other events are planned for later in the day, from 16:00 (1700 GMT) in other cities like Rabat and Fez (center), the call of the Youth Movement of 20 February claiming political changes social and Morocco.

In some cities such as Casablanca, Tangier (north) and Marrakech (south), the demonstrations began at 11.00 GMT.

"We want more equality and less corruption," "No to the accumulation of wealth and power," "a king who reigns but does not govern," chanted the demonstrators in Casablanca.

Nearly 10,000 people gathered in the center of town and walked to the Place Mohammed V, according to an AFP journalist.Organizers estimate that "nearly 20,000" number of demonstrators.

"I'm here because I want a fairer Morocco, where the odds are the same for all youth, particularly as regards employment," he told AFP Mohammed, a 23 year old who a degree in economics.

The limitation of political power of the king, the fight against corruption and judicial independence are the main demands of protesters in Casablanca, for most young people of the Movement of 20 February, after the date of the first events in Morocco in the context of revolution and unrest in various Arab countries.Other demonstrations took place March 20.

In Marrakech, there were more than 500 protesters to demand political reforms, according to an AFP correspondent.

In Tangier, more than 2,000 demonstrators called including the departure of the mayor, Fouad El Omary, and criticized its management, according to a witness.

In a speech on March 9, Mohammed VI announced major policy changes designed especially to enhance judicial independence and separation of powers, and set up the next day a commission to reform the Constitution.

On 14 April, the king freed many political prisoners including Islamists and Saharawi, a measure introduced as a sign of appeasement by several observers.

Despite these overtures, the Movement of the February 20 mobilization was held this Sunday to "continue to pressure" and because he deemed "insufficient" the royal decisions.

The Committee for Constitutional Reform will complete its work on June 15 and submit its findings to the king on 16, had told AFP one of its members.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

FRANCE: A premium "required" for employees of large companies

AFP - After several days of debate within the government, Nicolas Sarkozy on Tuesday decided to impose on companies with more than 50 employees each year for the payment of a premium "binding" to their employees if they increase their dividends.

After a final arbitration meeting at the Elysee Palace with Prime Minister François Fillon and several members of his government, the head of state has ruled for a binding mechanism, as he had hinted Tuesday during a trip in the Ardennes.

"In all companies with more than 50 employees subject to the law on participation, if dividends are higher than the year before, there will be obliged to pay a premium negotiated with social partners," said a government source after the meeting.

The government hopes that the scheme is applied "this year". François Fillon also announced in the evening a bill to that effect would be submitted to Parliament "before summer".

This bonus will be subject to an amount of at least 1,000 euros at the same rate of social insurance premiums for participation that is to say 8%, sued the government source.This amount could possibly be revised upwards in arbitrations to come.

Firms with fewer than 50 employees will in turn "encouraged" to pay a premium equal to their employees. This premium will be exempt from taxes, said the source. "There will be no obligation for these companies," we insisted.

Studied by Labor Minister Xavier Bertrand, Economy Christine Lagarde and Budget Baroin, this "bonus", its amount and terms feed a confused debate over several days, both between the State and the social partners that 'within the government.

April 13 Evoking an amount "of at least 1,000 euros," Mr.Baroin had attracted a replica of the patron saint of dry MEDEF Laurence Parisot, who had denounced as "incomprehensible". Ms. Lagarde was then ruled to impose a fee for the premium.

Despite the hostility of employers and unions that it reserves prefer higher wages, Nicolas Sarkozy Tuesday reaffirmed its commitment to implement this scheme, which aims to improve the purchasing power of the French.

"The sharing of value, I would like because it's a matter of justice," he said."When there is recovery, I say it is normal for employees and workers who have sought work during the crisis benefit from the recovery, it is a principle I will not give in," had he insisted, noting the failure of the negotiations he had requested in 2009 the social partners on this topic.

In a financial crisis, the head of state asked them to discuss the "value sharing", defending himself the idea of ​​a rule of "three tier" where corporate profits would be divided into three parts equal shareholders, employees and investment.

"In two years, negotiations have not moved an inch", "he lamented Tuesday," so the government will take responsibility. "

One year before the presidential election and while the economic recovery starts to take shape, Nicolas Sarkozy is trying to revive its 2007 election promise to be the "president of purchasing power".

Even if it does not affect the 5.2 million civil servants, whose salaries have been frozen for the second consecutive year, this "bonus" is likely to affect at least 8 million people employed in businesses with more than 50 employees .

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Raul Castro ready to limit the length of the main political mandates to ten years

Cuban President Raul Castro, made the unprecedented proposal to Cuba limit to ten years the term of office for leaders on Saturday before the Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) which has over 300 adopt economic measures to save Cuba of bankruptcy.

"We came to the conclusion that it was advisable to limit to a maximum of two consecutive five-year term limits political rights," the president said before the 1,000 delegates of the congress of the CPC, the first since 1997.

This measure, he said, aims to "ensure a systematic rejuvenation of the entire chain of responsibility" within the government.

"While we have always tried to promote young people to key positions of responsibility, life has shown that these selections were not always the most appropriate," said Raul, who was for nearly half a century the minister of defense of his brother Fidel, 84.

Raul Castro, who turns 80 on June 3, made the proposal, unprecedented in Cuba since the establishment of the Castro regime in 1959 - during an analysis of the political leadership of the island.

Placing the Congress under the banner of "correcting the mistakes in the past five decades of socialist construction," Raul Castro called for "leave aside the formalism, dogmatism and stagnation."

He also advocated a strong degreasing of the "nomenklatura" of the party, which must by Tuesday renewed its senior management.

First secretary of the CPC since its founding in 1965, Fidel Castro, who ceded power to his brother Raul in the summer of 2006, announced in March that he wanted to abandon the last official functions held within the regime that it was founded in 1959.

In a speech two hours and twenty minutes, Raul Castro has also outlined the economic reforms that must be defined and adopted by Congress.

More than 300 economic measures will be submitted to Congress.

The original document, published in November, included 291 measures.After three months of discussions by 8.9 million Cubans over 163,000 meetings, the new document offers a range of 311 steps that need to "update" the socialist model, "said Raul Castro.

Job cuts in the public sector, opening the economy to private initiative, the autonomy of state enterprises, reform of the agri-food and openness to foreign capital are the main areas reforms proposed in the 6th Congress of the CCP.

The measure has attracted the greatest public attention during the public meetings for discussion, "said Raul Castro is the future of the" libreta "The ration book from 1963 that allows any Cuban to enjoy a basket of commodities at subsidized prices.

Eventually, the "libreta" should disappear, the president has confirmed.

"The disappearance of the libreta is not an end in itself but must be one of the measures that will be essential to adopt as part of an improvement in labor productivity," said Raul Castro emphasizing the parallel need for a general rise in wages.

Concerning redundancies in the state sector -95% of the Cuban economy, Raul Castro stressed that "nobody would be abandoned to its fate" and a "system of social attention will be implemented to guarantee a minimum support to those who really need it. "

Thursday, April 14, 2011

LIBYA: targeted air strikes of NATO on the Libyan capital

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has offered an outlet Thursday in the streets of Tripoli, which coincided with the recent raids by the coalition in the city, said on Libyan television.

Dark glasses and hat, chest thrown by the sunroof of a jeep moving slowly, hailed Colonel Qaddafi passers by raising his fists, according to images broadcast by television.

Several vehicles carrying bodyguards escorting the car driving Colonel Gaddafi.

At one point, his car slowed down and dozens of people have approached them to cheer the leader of the Libyan revolution.A man sitting in the front seat pulled out his head from the window, chanting "God, Libya, Muammar and nothing else."

Libyan television said the release of Gaddafi had been made "in raids colonialist aggressors crusaders."

According to AFP journalists, aircraft flew Thursday Tripoli, where heavy explosions were heard, followed by firing anti-aircraft defense.

Planes flying over the capital since Thursday morning.Around 1300 GMT, the AFP journalists have heard at least a fighter plane flying low before hearing a loud explosion from the hotel hosting the journalists in Tripoli, not far from the residence of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.

The firing of antiaircraft artillery followed the detonation.

Less than an hour later, at least two explosions were heard far and DCA joined back in action, while fighter jets continued to fly over Tripoli.

A column of smoke was seen by journalists in the district of Ain Zara, in the southeast of the capital.

Libyan television, quoting a military source said that "military and civilian sites in Tripoli, Aziziyeh Kikla and (had) been targeted recently by the raids of the colonialist aggressors crusaders."

Questioned by AFP, NATO said that 1300 GMT there was no device sent by the Alliance over the city.

NATO officials said that the alliance planes flying over the Libyan capital "all the time" but that no bomb had been dropped there.

"Aviation NATO struck a anti-aircraft battery (...) 40 km south of Tripoli this afternoon," he told AFP spokeswoman Oana Lungescu NATO.

"We are very careful about how we aim our (target) to minimize any risk to civilians. So this is another example of misinformation (from the Libyan authorities) as we had more this week. "

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Diplomatic wrangling, one year after air tragedy of Smolensk

On April 10, 2010, a Tupolev carrying President Lech Kaczynski and other senior Polish officials, crashed while attempting to land in heavy fog at Smolensk, killing its 96 occupants.

A plate that contained only inclusion in Polish, recalled that the late Polish President went to Smolensk for the 70th anniversary of the massacre of Katyn, near Smolensk in 1940.22,000 Polish officers were shot there by the Soviet secret police.

But on the eve of the anniversary of the plane crash, a new plaque was placed by the Russian authorities on the memorial that do not refer to the tragedy of Katyn, causing anger among Poles.

A Polish spokesman raised the possibility that President Bronislaw Komorowski, who must travel to Smolensk Monday does not file a wreath at the new plaque.

Sunday in Warsaw, several hundred nationalists demonstrated outside the Russian embassy.

The Russian governor of Smolensk Sunday justified the absence of any reference to Katyn massacre on the new plaque at the site of the plane crash in which he had died a year ago the former Polish president and 95 other responsible.

"This is the place where we mourn the dead from the plane that crashed, not when we mourn the tragedy Polish" Katyn, told the press the governor of Smolensk (western Russia), Sergei Antoufiev.

Religious ceremonies and street rallies began on Sunday morning to commemorate the Polish air disaster in which Polish President Lech Kaczynski and 95 other people died a year ago at Smolensk in Russia.

Divided on the causes of this accident and the ongoing investigations in Russia and Poland, the Poles can follow two separate programs of celebrations: the official program and one that was prepared by the conservative opposition of Jaroslaw Kaczynski, twin brother the late president.

At 6:41 GMT (exact time of the crash a year ago), the head of state Bronislaw Komorowski and Prime Minister Donald Tusk laid a wreath before a plaque commemorating the victims of the accident at the military church in Warsaw.

Meanwhile, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, who decided to boycott official ceremonies, laid a wreath at the presidential palace, amid a crowd of enthusiastic supporters.

Mr.Kaczynski sharply criticized the government for letting Russia lead the investigation and not to have rejected the findings.

Supporters of his party Law and Justice announced on Sunday at least four events to commemorate the victims of the disaster, 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. local outside the presidential palace in Warsaw, including a torchlight march at around 18:00 GMT.

In the midst of white and red national flags, a wooden cross was erected birch outside the presidential palace with, at its foot, a model of the presidential train Tupolev crashed, broke in two.

Other crosses, large and small, and the candles have been introduced to that place that initially after the accident, had been the symbol of the unity of Poles in mourning, before becoming one of the divisions .

Protesters waved banners calling on the authorities to shed full light on this accident.The thesis of a conspiracy and an attack was mentioned on the leaflets in the crowd that the Polish prosecutors have definitely ruled recently.

The Polish authorities have scheduled a ceremony before a memorial to victims of the accident at Powazki cemetery in Warsaw, followed by a solemn Mass at the cathedral and a large concert at the National Theatre.

A series of ceremonies and celebrations are planned Sunday across Poland.

The Polish and Russian presidents, Bronislaw Komorowski and Dmitri Medvedev will meet Monday at Smolensk, the scene of the accident.

The Tupolev 154, carrying 10 April 2010 President Lech Kaczynski and other senior Polish officials, crashed while attempting to land in heavy fog at Smolensk, killing its 96 occupants.

The Polish delegation went to the ceremonies of the 70th anniversary of the massacre of about 22,000 Polish officers prisoners of the Red Army, including at Katyn near Smolensk.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

UNUSUAL: On a shovel, a private Georgian Armenia Internet

No need to be a genius hacker or a dictator desperate to deprive a country of the Internet. A retired Georgia cut inadvertently Web access to a part of Armenia, said on Wednesday, the Georgian Ministry of Interior.

March 28, the Georgian age 75 plunged for nearly ten hours in the neighboring state in the dark digital quasi-complete, so it sought to sell the copper near Tbilisi, the Georgian capital. His shovel then accidentally cut a fiber optic cable. And not just any as it was he who provided 90% of the Internet in Armenia.Some 3.2 million Armenians were Internet users and found no connection.

"Hacker shovel"

Its unfortunate sod has also affected the Internet for parts of Georgia and Azerbaijan. A few hours after the incident, the local media now call the "hacker shovel" was always in search of the precious metal.

The good lady was arrested for sabotage. Which could earn him a sentence of three years in prison."Given his advanced age, we released the time of the investigation," he said Wednesday at a press representative of the Ministry of Interior.

This incident was unusual in any case exposed the infrastructure problems that regularly affect the network in Georgia. These cables, which belong to the Georgian telecommunications company, has long had to be strengthened. Alas, the company had to abandon work because of the many rains and landslides that hit the region frequently.

Monday, April 4, 2011

JAPAN: A "tweet" and a book to help the victims of the earthquake and tsunami

It all started with a tweet on March 18. And ended with a book under cryptic. "2:46 - Quakebook" ("2:46" as the time of the earthquake that struck Japan on March 11) is both a collection of stories written in English and an original initiative to help Victims of the earthquake and tsunami.

"I would like to gather experiences from the earthquake in a book, publish it in a week and give the money collected to the Red Cross," he wrote, March 18, on his Twitter feed "ourmaninabiko", behind which lies a British blogger living in Japan.Only constraint imposed on the contributors: the narrative must not exceed 350 words, "about a page of a book," says the proponent.

Good intentions are not long in coming. An official Twitter account is created, soon assisted by a blog and a Facebook page. The official count of the microblogging service relays information and Yoko Ono, wife of the late John Lennon, has done the same on his homepage."In the end, more than 200 people, I do not know for the most part, have participated in the project," tells "ourmaninabiko" which refuses to reveal his identity because he believes that the book is the result of collective work.

Although aware of the power of social media when it comes to "move information", British blogger can not help but be amazed by the result. "I have received something like 200 stories and the book contains 85," he says. The publication of "2:46 - Quakebook" was sealed in 48 hours, last weekend. Not without pain. "I had no experience in publishing.Between the management of the copy, the work of volunteer translators and layout, the work was difficult, "said he.

Amazon contacted

The evidence collected from many Japanese that foreigners living there. "Ourmaninabiko" even received a contribution from William Gibson, American writer of science fiction and the father of cyberpunk, and Jake Adelstein, a journalist-American writer known for his work on the Japanese Mafia.

Most contributors, famous or not, tell what was their reaction when the first quake, others prefer to discuss their annoyance vis-à-vis the government's action or tell the resignation of their parents.The book also contains illustrations.

He is wanting to "2:46 - Quakebook" a publisher. "We could publish directly to our blog, but I think the project deserves to be disseminated more widely," says "ourmaninabiko. He claims to have already received offers to translate the book into German, Spanish and Japanese. The book was submitted to the American giant of the sale of cultural goods online, Amazon, so it can be sold between 10 and 20 dollars "ebook". "Ourmaninabiko" and his team are still awaiting a response.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

COTE D'IVOIRE: Pro-attack Ouattara Laurent Gbagbo's residence in Abidjan

REUTERS - Forces loyal to Alassane Ouattara attacked the residence of Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo in Abidjan outgoing, announced Friday a spokesman for the government to Ouattara.

"Her house is attacked, that's for sure. There is resistance, but it is attacked," said Patrick Achi, told Reuters.

The attack was confirmed by a military source close to the Gbagbo camp. The bodyguards of the outgoing Head of State returned fire, they added.

The spokesman Ouattara had earlier announced that the Republican Forces of Côte d'Ivoire, Alassane Ouattara, considered by almost all of the international community as the winner of the presidential elections of 28 November, had seized the Radio Ivorian television after intense fighting in central Abidjan.

Monday, March 28, 2011

SYRIA: Authorities confirm the lifting of the state of emergency and send the army in Lattakia

AFP - The Syrian authorities have decided Sunday to revoke the emergency law in force for nearly 50 years, restricting civil liberties, and President Bashar al-Assad, who faces a protest movement, should s' address "very soon" to the public.

Moreover, military reinforcements entered in Lattakia, multifaith city of northwestern Syria, after extremely violent clashes Saturday, which made twelve dead, including members of the security forces, civilians and two insurgents.

"President Bashar al-Assad will address very soon to his people"

In an interview with AFP on Sunday in Damascus, the adviser to the president, Boussaina Shaaban, revealed that the decision to repeal the emergency law in force since 1963 had been taken.

"The decision to repeal the emergency law has already been taken but I do not know when it will be implemented," she said, adding that immediately after the repeal of this law, "all persons arrested under this Act will be released ".

This law, drafted in December 1962 by a previous government, came into force immediately after the arrival in power of the Baath party in March 1963.It imposes restrictions on freedom of assembly and movement, and allows the arrest of "suspects or persons threatening security."

It also allows the monitoring of communications and the diligence of the media.

The Director of the Syrian Human Rights (OSDH) Rami Abdelrahman, who welcomed the expected repeal of that law, estimated that about 2,000 people should be freed.

"All those convicted by the High Court of State security should be released, because the special court was established under this law," he said.

"The successful candidates in the local security services, as arrested without warrant" should be released by him.

Dr. Shaaban has also announced that President Assad, in power since 2000, will address "very soon" to the nation, while the country was shaken by a challenge without precedent.

"President Bashar al-Assad will address very soon to his people to explain the situation and clarify the reforms he intends to pursue in the country," she said.

These reforms include a law on political pluralism and a more liberal law on the press, which will "be subject to public debate," she said.

Military reinforcements to Latakia to dislodge insurgents

Moreover, military reinforcements came in Lattakia, Syrian press reported, to dislodge insurgents who shoot from rooftops and cars against the security forces and bystanders.

In total, since Friday in this city located on the coast, 13 soldiers and civilians and two insurgents were killed, said Ms. Shaban.

She accused the "Muslim extremists were behind the attack, with the objective to bring about sectarian strife in the country."Latakia is inhabited by Sunnis, Alawite, and Christians.

The government newspaper Teshreen reported 150 injured on Friday and Saturday in the port city.

The daily al-Watan said that "the thugs are not the Syrians and their nationality will be announced shortly."

Ms. Shaban had told reporters on Saturday accused "certain Palestinian refugee camp Ramel, near Latakia, of wanting to create fitna (dissension denominational) by pulling the security forces and protesters" to raise tension them.

The Secretary General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) has denied "any involvement of Palestinians in the camp Ramel events Saturday."

Thursday, March 24, 2011

SYRIA: At least 15 killed in Dera, Bashar al-Assad sacking the governor of the city

At least 15 people were killed Wednesday in Deraa, the core of the dispute against the government in Syria, which has spilled over into neighboring towns despite a massive deployment of the army and riot police, according to rights activists, the man.

The authorities have blamed the clashes on an "armed gang", accusing him of killing four people and "to store weapons in the mosque," al-Omari to Deraa, a tribal town about 120 km south of Damascus experiencing unprecedented protests since March 18.

Nevertheless, they sacked the governor of Deraa, Khaltoum Faisal, one of the measures demanded by the demonstrators who defied a state of emergency in the country since 1963.

The protests were violently suppressed a total of 21 dead, over a hundred wounded and dozens arrested in a country ruled with an iron fist for 40 years by the Ba'athist regime, where the slightest hint of democracy is put down immediately.

The United States said they were "alarmed" by "violence and arbitrary arrests", while UN chief Ban Ki-moon has condemned the violence against "peaceful protesters".

President Bashar al-Assad came to power in 2000 after the death of his father, did not intervene publicly since the protests began on March 15 launched in Damascus.

New clashes in Dera erupted before dawn.Nine demonstrators, including two women, one child and a doctor, were killed and dozens wounded near the al-Omari, became the rallying point for protesters, according to activists of human rights.

"The security forces fired live bullets and teargas at the demonstrators," said one of them.

Later, six people, including a 11 year old girl suffering from a stray bullet, were killed at funerals of victims of violence at night, "said another activist.

"Live ammunition were fired while the parents of victims and protesters returning from the funeral," he said.

Meanwhile, exchanges of fire took place between security forces and protesters around the al-Omari, according to an AFP reporter who saw two people taken to hospital. One was hit by a bullet to the head and another body was bloodied.The exact circumstances of their deaths were not yet known.

The authorities have denounced "foreign parties who continue to spread lies about Deraa" and said that SMS messages were sent to most of Israel, calling on Syrians to provoke unrest.

Late afternoon, the streets were deserted and most shops closed at Deraa, encircled by the army and riot police.

All entrances to the town were blocked and vehicles allowed to enter must pass two dams run by members of the intelligence services armed plainclothes.

But the protests have affected neighboring towns.Residents of Dahel, 25 km further north, reported casualties during demonstrations against the regime, while more than 2,000 people marched through the town near Kharra as an activist.

It was not possible to confirm this information.

An unprecedented protest movement began on March 15 in Syria following a call via a Facebook page titled "Revolution against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in 2011," at events for "a Syria without tyranny of lawless emergency or exceptional courts. "

Small demonstrations have been dispersed since March 15 in the capital, then the movement has spread to the south.

Inequalities have widened in Syria, poverty affecting 14% of the 22 million Syrians. The rate of unemployment, which particularly affects young people, is estimated by experts to 22%.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

LIBYA: The cyber-Benghazi Mohammed al-Nabbous died

Founder of the web-Libya Alhurra TV, the cyber-Mohammed al-Nabbous died on Saturday at noon at the Benghazi hospital, just hours before the start of the intervention of the international coalition in Libya. Released a little early to make new videos of the attack on forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi over the city, he was the victim of a sniper shooting.

His death was confirmed by mid-afternoon by his wife, pregnant, in an audiotape posted on the site. Tears in her voice, you can hear it say: "Muhammad died for [the liberation of Libya, Ed].What began, we must continue, whatever happens. "

Become a symbol of the Libyan Revolution

28 years old, Mohammed al-Nabbous launched the site Alhurra Libya on February 17, the first day of demonstrations against the regime of Muammar Gaddafi. The internet platform of the telecom engineer by profession has quickly become one of the sources of information most reliable international media to monitor the situation in Benghazi.Through the dissemination of his reports on the Internet, Mohammed al-Nabbous also helped to publicize the growing hostility of the Libyan people against Muammar Gaddafi.

Mohammed al-Nabbous is the second victim of the conflict to be killed when he turned the images. Already last week, a cameraman for Al-Jazeera was killed in an ambush near Benghazi.

In one recent videos he posted on his website, Mohammed Al-Nabbous sought to show the consequences of bombing on civilians.In it, she was heard to say in front of the webcam: "It must be stopped [Gaddafi, Ed]."

At the news of his death, many media have paid tribute, with some even present it as the symbol become the Libyan revolution.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

CHAMPIONS LEAGUE: Facing Real Madrid, Lyon trusts to exploit

"Cristiano contra la maldición (Cristiano against the curse, Ed). In a Madrid sports daily As on Wednesday morning, caution is advised. Yet, statistically, after a draw snatched by Real at the Stade Gerland in the first leg 1-1, (three weeks ago), OL only 25% chance of qualifying.

Last year, after the first leg, the media had sent the Iberian Real in the quarter from the final whistle, despite a narrow defeat to Lyon (1-0). They had predicted the hell and humiliation to the Rhone in the den of Santiago Bernabeu. After 90 minutes, OL had finally snatched a draw logical and eliminated the Real.Hence the relative timidity of the Spanish media on the eve of the meeting ...

In seven encounters, Lyon have never lost against Real, and each time, have scored at least one goal. To reach the quarterfinals of the 2011 edition, Claude Puel's men will at least continue on this path.

This season, the task is particularly difficult. Since the Portuguese coach Jose Mourinho took control of the first team, Real Madrid has won all the matches played on his lawn.To pass, the OL will have to break this momentum to be a victory, either by snatching a draw and by scoring at least twice.

The Rhone in Olympic form

Again this year, Lyon has arguments that can swing the fate of the tie. After a disastrous start to the season, Lyon have found color and have lost none of their last seven games.

For several weeks, OL managed to leverage its offensive firepower: 16 goals scored during the last five games. At the forefront of the attack, Bafétimbi Gomis, transparent to the winter transfer window, returned to form and means of getting better with Lisandro.The Argentinian has also regained its shape and remains on four goals in two games.

Only Yoann Gourcuff, in midfield, still does not respond to the expectations the club has placed in him.

Real to overcome the curse

Defensively, the Rhone should also have a job because the offensive power of the Real in full swing since the beginning of the season (67 goals in 26 matches in La Liga). After a difficult start of the year, the former Lyon Karim Benzema for his part, found the net and scored three doubles in his last three outings.

The uncertainty surrounding the presence of Cristiano Ronaldo, a time to a thigh injury, has also been lifted and the Portuguese virtuoso should be in the game.It was on its ability to impact that Jose Mourinho should be based, once again, to try to defeat the Indian sign. Real record holder for victories with nine wins C1, has spent more than the knockout stages for the past six seasons.

The Merengue, which are now pointing to five lengths of FC Barcelona in La Liga, more than ever need to validate their ticket to the quarterfinals. Weaned titles since 2008, socios Club Lighthouse Capital can not be satisfied with a new White Season in 2011. And even a victory in the final of the King's Cup, against Barcelona, ​​20 April, will probably not suffice to allay the spans of the Bernabeu. Hence the need for a win against Gones tonight ...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Silvio Berlusconi agrees to attend his trial ... but only on Monday

AFP - The head of Italian government Silvio Berlusconi, involved in several lawsuits, including one for prostitution of a minor, reiterated Thursday that he was ready to come and defend himself in person before the court in Milan, provided that the hearings take place on Monday .

"It is ludicrous to accuse me for not having defended in my trial.Instead it will be a satisfaction to be present (in my case), now that my lawyers will prevent me more, "Berlusconi said during a press conference during which he presented his latest reform of justice.

"As there are four or five (note: trial) together, I will dedicate the Sunday and Monday preparing the presence in the courtroom where I think I will have some nice rewards, and most importantly, j will explain to Italians how things really are, "he said.

Mr.Berlusconi is involved in several lawsuits, including tax evasion and false results (Mediaset), corruption control (Mills) and prostitution of a minor and abuse of power (Rubygate, named after the young Moroccan Karim El Mahroug, called Ruby, which He is accused of having paid services when she was not yet 18).

According to the head of the government, accusing the judges of "hard", none of the charges against him is based.

With the exception of the trial Mediaset, whose next hearing was set for April 11, none of the other scheduled hearings will take place Monday.

This Friday, for instance, Berlusconi summoned to Milan in his corruption trial witness.But he can not go because he will attend the extraordinary summit of the EU on Libya.

Last Saturday, his lawyer, Niccolo Ghedini has said that the President of the Council now considered "appropriate to go in person" to the court and intended to go to every hearing where he was summoned.

For several years the head of government, 74 years old, does it more to his trial and is represented by his lawyers.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

LIBYA: Gaddafi intensifies offensive-cons and denies any attempt to negotiate

Muammar Gaddafi he seeks to negotiate his departure with the insurgents? Since Monday, several sources indicate that the Libyan leader would try to arrange for him and his family, an "exit" honorable.

Questioned on FRANCE 24, Gheriani Mustafa, spokesman for the Libyan National Council (NLC), the governing body of opposition to the regime, reported an "attempt [negotiating] Unofficial through one former ministers "of Muammar Gaddafi. "He basically wanted assurances on his safety and that of his family, and the fact that Libya gave up any legal action against him after his departure, he said. The Council's position is very clear: we do not negotiate with Gaddafi, who has blood on their hands of the Libyans.He knows where the Tripoli airport: all he has to do is leave. "

The opposition may abandon prosecution

A position contradicted in part, this Tuesday, Abdeljalil by Mustapha, former Minister of Justice and President of CNL. He said the lawyers are advocates of Tripoli, and not emissaries of Muammar Gaddafi, who is behind these attempts at negotiations. Libyan leader "did not send anyone.Some people have proposed as intermediate to stop the bloodshed, "he told AFP.

He also called on Muammar Gaddafi to resign and then leaving the country in exchange for immunity from prosecution: "We will not prosecute criminal charges against him," he said.

The regime denies him, these allegations. On Monday evening, official sources it uses to communicate normally contacted by the special envoys of FRANCE 24 in Libya, refuted this information."The Libyan news agency does not confirm the government's spokesman, Dr. Moussa Ibrahim, speaks even joke," explained Willy Bracciano Tuesday morning, one of the envoys in Tripoli.

"An apparent willingness to open still seems to be emerging in the camp Gaddafi. Former Prime Minister spoke yesterday to the rebels to Libyan television by proposing a national dialogue to resolve the crisis."

In an interview Sunday with FRANCE 24, the Libyan leader had in any event precluded from leaving the country."Why should I leave when I'm not president?" He repeated then.

Washington very reluctant to the idea of a no-fly zone

Overseas, the international community continues to wonder about how to put an end to violence, with no clear solution is taking shape again. Calls for the establishment of a no-fly zone over Libya, which would de facto prevent raids targeting insurgents and the population becomes more pressing: the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) were in favor.France and Britain are planning to also introduce this week a draft resolution to that effect to the Security Council of UN.

President Barack Obama has launched him on Monday night a warning to employees of Muammar Gaddafi by warning that they should "be accountable". He also reiterated that all options - including that of military intervention - were on the table.

For Americans, however, it is very clear that this is not the White House to make decisions about intervention in Libya, but the Security Council of the UN. "It does not seem that we take the path of use of force to the UN, says Philippe Gassot, FRANCE 24's correspondent in Washington.(...) The no-fly zone is one way around some obstacles ... She obviously has a military phase because it must destroy airports, radar, control towers and aircraft that may be found on the ground, but it does not look like a landing. Americans are still very reluctant: they consider that this option is very difficult to implement and the results are not guaranteed. "

Meanwhile, the forces of Muammar Gaddafi on Tuesday continued its raids near the oil port of Ras Lanuf.

Monday, February 28, 2011

TUNISIA: The resignation of Ghannouchi, a victory for supporters of the rupture

Mohammed Ghannouchi party is to Beji Caid Essebsi, 84, returns as the heavy task of leading the transition in Tunisia. It was named Sunday as Prime Minister by the Tunisian president Acting Fouad Mebazaa.

Vincent Geisser, a researcher at the Institute for Research and Studies on the Arab and Muslim world (IREMAM / CNRS), met the new head of government in the early 2000s, as part of his research. He said his appointment should not fully satisfy those who demanded the departure of Mohammed Ghannouchi.The researcher believes, however, that by pushing him to leave office, advocates a "radical democracy" have scored a point over a line of defenders and technocratic moderate. - Who is the new Prime Minister of Tunisia, Beji Caid Essebsi?

Vincent Geisser - A man from a prominent aristocratic family of Tunisia, but who, from his early youth, has chosen the struggle for independence. Beji Caid Essebsi is the prototype of the young part of the neo-Destour was quickly noticed by President Habib Bourguiba [father of independence and first president of the Tunisian Republic, ed].Very young, he is entrusted with important responsibilities: he was appointed interior minister [in 1965], and later Minister of Foreign Affairs [in 1981]. At the time, he plays a mediating role between the hardliners of the party and the Liberal Movement of Social Democrats [MDS].

Beji Caid Essebsi was never part of the clan close Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali was neither a hawk nor a fanatic of the old regime. But he had his card Constitutional Democratic Rally [RCD, the party of Ben Ali]. However, it was a symbolic role in the training.

It has a picture of a man liberal, moderate, cosmopolitan, French ...It is also an experienced lawyer and a man of law.

F24 - His appointment does satisfy those who demanded the resignation of Mohammed Ghannouchi?

VG - Beji Caid Essebsi can embody a balance between continuity and rupture. He belonged to the three systems: the Bourguiba, Ben Ali and that of it belongs to the current system. But his profile remains profound sociological shift with those young people who started the revolution. Beji Caid Essebsi has 84 years while they are part of the new generation is Tunisians although they originate from inside the country and is an aristocrat while they are poor ...

F24 - The resignation of Mohammed Ghannouchi she plunges further the transition process at an impasse?

VG - No, it should not be pessimistic.Tunisia seeks and hesitating between two options. There is a side option for a technocratic smooth transition, where the custody of members of the former regime gradually integrating new elements. And then there's the camp of radical democracy, which promotes the breakdown and demanded the establishment of a Constituent Assembly that would lead to the rapid development of a new constitution before holding elections. This line is peaceful but claimed that social policies are quickly put in place to address inequalities.

The option technocratic, played by Mohammed Ghannouchi, failed. The most radical have scored points, but the only problem is that this coalition of Democrats is very eclectic.There are elites in the opposition, such as Marzouki [a historical opponent to Ben Ali] or Mustapha Ben Jaffar [Secretary General of the Democratic Forum for Labour and Freedoms], the union's General Union Workers in Tunisia [UGTT], youth who started the revolution, bourgeois Tunis, members of the extreme left ... The street was right government of compromise, but in front there, for now, no real political coalition structure.

F24 - Should we fear a division between those who, within the population, want a radical and those who advocate a technocratic transition?

VG - No, because everyone is in favor of breaking with the old regime and the adoption of a new constitution.These are opinions shared many of the young Sidi Bouzid Sidi Bou Said bourgeois. Mohammed Ghannouchi's resignation proves that there is a true democratic will and that those in power respond to the street. The Prime Minister's speech was retiring very reassuring: he said he would not be an obstacle to the democratic process ... It is the antithesis of speech by Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi!

The transition process is uncertain, there are still many question marks, but we are far from the chaos. Public functions, the administration works ... It is no longer the old regime, and it is not anarchy either. There is simply a power struggle between the democratic logic and technocratic logic.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

FLYING RIO PARIS: Airbus and Air France summoned to court

Airbus and Air France are convened on March 17 by justice for their likely under investigation for "manslaughter" in the investigation into the accident on 1 June 2009 flight from Rio to Paris, which had killed 228 people off Brazil.

The judges made the announcement to the families of victims and their advocates met Thursday afternoon at the Palais de Justice in Paris for an update on the survey, less than a month before the launch of a new phase of research boxes black unit.

According to several participants at the meeting, Air France and Airbus should be indicted on March 17 as corporations for "involuntary homicide".

"There is nothing new in the folder that explains why the judge considering the indictment already when there are no reports of experts and a new judicial phase sea search will start March 20, "responded to AFP Fernand Garnault, counsel for Air France.

"We do not doubt for one moment that the judge relied on very seriously," he commented to the press one of the victims' lawyers, Alain Jakubowicz."We hope an adversarial and explanations from mastodons + +", Airbus and Air France said the lawyer.

To Me Olivier Morice, another plaintiffs' lawyer, "is a real turning point" because "if the judges make this decision, it demonstrates that the evidence in their possession are serious.It's a breakthrough. "

Experts have particularly considered "too late and ineffective" Air France's reaction to early warnings about the reliability of pitot probes, which measure the speed of the aircraft, according to a source familiar with the matter.

No indictment has yet been issued in the investigation so far suspended the possible discovery of the black boxes of the Airbus A330 that crashed on 1 June 2009 in the Atlantic Ocean. So far, only 3% of the aircraft and fifty bodies have been recovered in the days following the air disaster.

New search operations at sea from the wreck of the Airbus will be launched on March 20 to a new area of 10,000 km2.This will be the fourth phase of research from the downed aircraft and its black boxes, which could last until July, in three steps of 36 days each.

In the state of research and technical data collected, the Bureau of Investigation and Analysis (BEA), responsible for technical investigation, believes that the failure rate pitot probes is one of the causes of the accident but not alone may be the cause of the disaster.

"These indictments likely Airbus and Air France are not an end in itself, but they allow a more adversarial," said a leader of the Association of Mutual Aid and Solidarity AF447 victims, Jean-Baptiste Audousset .

Morice me but mentioned "a number of obstacles" encountered, he said, by the investigators. "Judges who launched a commission faced procedural obstacles," he said, pointing to "agencies" responsible "in Germany of aviation rules and want to play European immunities."

Sunday, February 20, 2011

LIBYA: Seif al-Islam Gaddafi brandished the threat of civil war

Seif Al-Islam Gaddafi, a son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi said that Libya was on the brink of civil war and the target of a foreign plot, during a televised speech on the night of Sunday to Monday.

Seif Al-Islam Gaddafi has acknowledged that several cities, including Benghazi and Al-Baida in the east, were the prey of fierce fighting and the mobs had seized military weapons. Tens of thousands of people head to Tripoli, he said.

"At the moment the tanks move in Benghazi led by civilians. A Al-Baida people have guns and numerous ammunition depots were looted.We have weapons, the army has weapons, the forces that want to destroy Libya weapons, "he said.

He said the clashes were provoked by Libyan and foreign elements to destroy national unity and establish an Islamic republic, according to these statements broadcast by Libyan state television.

"We will destroy the elements of the insurgency," he said, while promising the "formation of a commission to create a constitution."

"The army will now have a key role in imposing security because it is the unity and stability of Libya" that are at stake, "said the son of Libyan leader.

"Libya is at a crossroads.Either we are hearing today on reforms, or we do not mourn 84 deaths but thousands and there will be rivers of blood throughout Libya, "said Seif al-Islam.

He repeated several times this figure of 84 dead in violence that began last week in Libya and said the balance sheets provided by "foreign media" were "greatly exaggerated".

According to Human Rights Watch, at least 173 people were killed in Libya since the start of the protest on February 15.

According to an AFP count compiled from various sources Libyan stock of demonstrations against the regime of Colonel Gaddafi is at least 77 dead, mostly in Benghazi.

Heavy gunfire were heard around 11:45 p.m. GMT in several districts of Tripoli by the AFP correspondent on the spot.

Seif al-Islam said that "Libya is not Egypt or Tunisia," in reference to these two neighboring countries whose leaders, Hosni Mubarak and Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, have been driven by the Street in recent weeks. "The Libyan army will play a big role. This is the Tunisian army, not the Egyptian army," he said.

"Gaddafi is not Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. It is not Mubarak," he said.

Colonel Gaddafi made no public statement since the violence began.He has been in power in Libya since 1969.

"We will not abandon one inch of Libya," he said Seif al-Islam said: "We live in Libya, we will die in Libya."

According to unconfirmed reports, Muammar Gaddafi, born in 1942, would have left Libya on Sunday night.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

LIBYA: Fever cyberdissidence to attack the regime of Gaddafi

Surrounded by two popular revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt, Libya, led an iron fist by Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, is contaminated in turn by fever cyberdissidence. For several weeks, the Libyan youth is now to harness the power of YouTube, Facebook and Twitter to express his opposition to the plan. An unprecedented event.

Since coming to power of the "Guide of the Libyan Jamahiriya" in 1969, the international community has difficulty obtaining credible and independent information from the North African state, long isolated diplomatically.But this week, the video sharing site online, YouTube has been flooded with images of amateur violent protests that took place during the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, Benghazi in the east. According to a latest report, 38 people were injured during the clashes.

Disseminated by the media, relayed by Internet

The videos have been broadcast by major international media and massively publicized on the web by Internet via Twitter and Facebook social networks on the eve of the "day of anger" that the Libyan dissidents have planned for this Thursday.

They have invited the public to take to the streets through a Facebook page titled "Revolt of February 17, 2011: Day of anger in Libya."Created on January 28 by Hassan al-Djahmi, a Libyan dissident living in exile in Switzerland, the group has far more than 14,000 fans.

"The Internet has played a decisive role in spreading the spirit of dissent in Libya, says Guma el Gamaty, a Libyan writer based in London. Over the last two months, the number of young people who have joined Facebook groups and network Twitter has exploded. They are tens of thousands to connect to discuss and organize on Twitter, "he says.

The telecom network controlled by the son of Gaddafi

Like many countries in the region, Libya has a very young population. Nearly 33% of the 6.5 million inhabitants are under 14 years.But unlike Egypt, which, with its 80 million inhabitants, remains the most populous Arab country, Libya, benefited by strong oil reserves, has managed to secure a higher standard of living for its people and maintain low prices for basic commodities. "But the lack of infrastructure that the penetration of the Internet is not very high," notes El-Gamaty.

And for good reason, much of the infrastructure of the Libyan Jamahiriya, governed by an unusual cocktail of socialism and Islam, was nationalized and controlled by a clique of relatives of Colonel Gaddafi.The pattern of state-owned telecoms companies - Libyana and Al Madar, who provide mobile telephony services and Internet access - is none other than Mohammed Moammar Gadhafi, the eldest son of the "guide".

Twitter to the rescue

Therefore, access to certain Web sites and remains closely controlled by Tripoli. "Three months ago, they blocked the YouTube website, like Facebook for a while instead.It is expected that they all begin again by cutting the internet connection altogether in the coming days, "said Mojahed Bossisy, a Libyan journalist based in Qatar.

Despite the censorship, the Twitter site, particularly used by the Tunisian and Egyptian dissidents, remains functional. On the eve of the "day of rage", many Internet users are used to indicate to the Libyans to take steps to avoid a potential deadlock.

Rap anti-Gaddafi

In addition, the site Libyan Khalas! ("Enough"), launched in 2009 by Libyan exiles in the United States, participates fully in the campaign of opposition against the dictatorial regime of Gaddafi, he denounces in English and Arabic.This particular site has provided a forum for Ben Thabet rapper, songwriter incendiary against the regime, which called on Libyans to revolt and revolution inspired by the Tunisian.

Most observers agree, however, suggest a scenario of escalation to the Egyptian or Tunisian is unlikely in the Libyan Jamahiriya. "Zero tolerance applied by the scheme does not permit the emergence of organized opposition or recognized.Nor is there civil institutions, trade unions, freedom of speech or press, "explains El-Gamaty.

However, there are a multitude of ingredients that can keep the wind of revolt in Libya: the young population, high unemployment, widespread corruption of the regime, a weak health system and widespread resentment within population. El-Gamaty is one of the many Libyan dissidents who recognize that it will be difficult to make a revolution, but not impossible.

In "Al-Soal" ("The Question"), Ben Thabet sings: "There are several reasons why the Libyans should revolt. Perhaps it is not next week or the one after, but it will happen .One day it will happen. "

Sunday, February 13, 2011

TUNISIA: The chief diplomat resigns after improper statements

AFP - The head of Tunisian diplomacy Ounaïes Ahmed on Sunday presented his resignation on the eve of the visit to Tunisia by the head of European diplomacy and Catherine Ashton as thousands of illegal immigrants arrived in Italy, Tunisia, the agency said APR.

"In a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ahmed Ounaïes today presented his resignation from the transitional government," said agency official.

This former ambassador to retire, aged 75 years and who served under the presidency of Habib Bourguiba and Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, was appointed Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in the first government of national unity, 17 January.He became a minister in the transitional government revised 27 January by Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi.

But a visit to France since February 4, he had hardly taken up his duties, according to diplomatic sources.

The Independent was heckled on February 7 by Foreign Affairs officials who were demonstrating in front of and within the confines of his department by claiming he leaves immediately after his remarks in Paris. He then took his belongings and left his office.

Visiting Paris whose belated return to the popular revolution was cringe in Tunis, Mr. Ounaïes had no praise for his counterpart Michele Alliot-Marie."I like to listen to Ms Alliot-Marie in all circumstances and in all fora", "he said.

He hailed it "above all a friend of Tunisia," while "MAM" was summoned to explain himself at the same time in France for having benefited from the generosity of a great boss Tunisian business related to the clan and Ben Ali for proposing to the tottering regime "expertise" of the French police, while repression was in full swing.

He had been pinned to "denial of revolution" after statements to the Tunisian private TV Nesma.A cartoon the next day, the daily A Time, showed, under the title "Crazy Alliot-Marie," surrounded by little hearts, seated next to "MAM".

His resignation comes on the eve of the visit to Tunis in the head of European diplomacy and while Italy is preparing to request the deployment of Italian policemen in Tunisia in an attempt to prevent illegal immigrants from many departures from this countries.

Rome, which fears a humanitarian crisis, has already asked the EU to take an early final decision within ten days on the Frontex deployment of a mission to patrol the coast of Tunisia.

His departure also represents a new squawk for the transitional government, as politicians and observers, is still sailing in sight, one month after the fall of Ben Ali, multiplying doubts, misconceptions and flashbacks.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

UNITED STATES: The House opposes the extension of the Patriot Act anti-terrorism law

The U.S. House of Representatives Tuesday night blocked a proposed short-term renewal of the Patriot Act, a legislative arsenal to combat terrorism set up by the administration of George W. Bush after the Sept. 11, which expires in late February.

Elected officials voted on the text by 277 votes against 148. But to be adopted to the extent needed a two thirds majority.He missed less than fifteen votes.

This extension until December 8 do not correspond exactly to the wishes of the White House that called for an extension until 2013, but the Chair had said in a statement it does "not oppose" the bill of House.

Bill conceived after Sept. 11 to try to remedy the shortcomings of U.S. authorities in the fight against terrorism is highly controversial because of the exceptional powers given to security forces.

The Republican chairman of the Committee of Intelligence Mike Rogers, argued that extension of short-term in a statement Wednesday saying: "it is our duty to examine the measures in a comprehensive, energetic and sensible, rather than rushing into extended long term. " Mr.Rogers wanted to use the nine months to negotiate "ideally a permanent extension.

In the Senate, debate on how the extension will be even more complicated because several competing bills were filed.

The chairman of the Judiciary Committee Patrick Leahy proposes an extension until December 2013 these measures.

Senate Republicans, themselves, want a permanent extension of these measures, but unlike their colleagues in the House, they are a minority.

Three major steps are involved: "mobile monitor" communications of suspects using multiple phone lines, the principle of "lone wolf" who can investigate a person purporting to conduct terrorist activities on its own account, the possibility for authorities to access "any tangible data" on a suspect, such as emails.

The Minister of Justice Eric Holder and the Director of American Intelligence (DNI) Eric Clapper called elected officials in a letter Jan. 28 to renew the three measures. They cautioned against renewal of the Patriot Act "short term".

Sunday, February 6, 2011

TUNISIA: The city of El Kef plagued by further violence

The city of Le Kef, in the north-western Tunisia, connnu Sunday a second day of violence with the burning of police headquarters, according to union sources, who said that the army had been deployed after attacks carried out by "gangs".

"There's panic in the city.The building (s) security forces in the district is on fire, "he told AFP Hadaoui Rauf, a trade unionist Kef joined by phone.

"Several police cars were burned and the fire threatens homes' neighbors, he said, describing a constant ballet of ambulances but without being able to tell whether these new violence had caused casualties.

"The army has been deployed throughout the city and seeks to facilitate the work of rescue," he added.

Youth gang then tried to attack the Kef prison to free inmates and were repulsed by the army, told AFP Hadaoui Rauf and one other union, Abdelatif Bouguera.

An army helicopter was turning over the city, the sources said.

Kef had lived on Saturday in violent clashes between police and protesters demanding the departure from the local police chief accused of abuse of power.

An authoritative source from the Ministry of Interior gave Sunday a report of two dead and 13 injured including four policemen, without details on the circumstances.Four of the injured were transferred to Tunis, it was added the same source.

Union sources on Saturday had reported four dead and fifteen wounded.

Hundreds of people had "burned the police station" and "ransacked" the local headquarters of the RCD (former ruling party) and the Commissioner's Residence Ghazouani Khaled, who was the first to fire on demonstrators, joined by several witnesses by AFP.

After a lull on Sunday morning, the situation has again deteriorated in the city, where "gangs of youths attacked and looted the police station" before setting the fire that has spread throughout the building, according to Mr. Hadaoui.For him, the robbers were "paid by the RCD to cause trouble."

For its part, the official news agency TAP confirmed the fire and the deployment of the army. The agency said the protesters had previously "taken the documents and equipment."

Three weeks after the fall of the regime of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, the situation remains tense in Tunisia.The events are held across the country to demand the departure of staff in place under Ben Ali and warn against attempts to "confiscation" of the revolution.

The government has repeatedly denounced a "conspiracy" of supporters of ousted president, saying the attacks in some cities and cons of public buildings including police, were the work of young paid by the RCD.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

HAITI: Haitians suspended the announcement of the results of the first round of presidential

Peacekeepers from the UN mission in Haiti were deployed Wednesday in the day in Port-au-Prince and in cities across the country in anticipation of the announcement of final results of the disputed first round of presidential elections initially planned evening. Finally, night has fallen on the island without any result is revealed.

Haitians are suspended from the verdict of the Provisional Election Commission (PEC). In the streets of Port-au-Prince on Wednesday afternoon, the UN vehicles were visible, and private banks and commercial institutions were closed earlier than usual.Local residents rushed to buy food and water.

"We have people deployed in strategic locations in the capital and regions, while awaiting the results," he told AFP spokesman for police in the UN Mission for Stabilization of Haiti (MINUSTAH), Jean-François Vézina.

Haiti was plunged into a serious political crisis since the beginning of December the provisional results of the first round of voting on 28 November, according to which the former first lady and candidate Mirlande Manigat power Jude Celestin qualified for the second round scheduled for now March 20.

These results have led to violence by supporters of the candidate who came third, the singer Michel Martelly.

The PRC had assured to do his best to respect the official date of February 2. But the "willingness and availability" displayed by some electoral advisers, including Jacques Belzin, were not enough.

Among the questions that remain unanswered, Haitians wonder if the PRC is likely to follow the recommendations of the Organization of American States (OAS) by announcing a second round without Jude Celestin, between Mr and Mrs Martelly Manigat.The ruling party took the decision last week to reject its candidate in the race, but Jude Celestin has not confirmed his own withdrawal.

On Tuesday, opposition parties and civil society organizations have requested the cancellation of elections and the establishment of a "provisional government" February 7, when the term of outgoing President Rene Preval expires .

The Head of State has already announced he would stay beyond that date to allow the electoral process to succeed.

The return on January 16 in Haiti's former dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier, after 25 years in exile, has plunged even further the country into crisis.

In a television interview, Mr.Duvalier assured returning to help rebuild the country after the earthquake of January 12, 2010 which was 220,000 people.

It was, incidentally, boasted of having "launched" the democratic process in Haiti. "When you call me a tyrant, it makes me laugh, because people are suffering from amnesia," said Mr. Duvalier, who is the subject of complaints for crimes against humanity.

Adding to the confusion, the Haitian government was ready Monday to grant a passport to former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, exiled in South Africa after being ousted in an armed insurrection in 2004.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

CINEMA: Films about love, distance and euthanasia winning the 27th Sundance Film Festival

"Like Crazy", the story of a mad love to the test of distance, and "How to die in Oregon", a plea for euthanasia, are among the main winners of the 27th Sundance Film Festival, which awards was unveiled Saturday night in Park City, Utah (west).

The Grand Prix of American fiction, the most prestigious of the evening went to "Like Crazy" Drake Doremus, the story of a passionate love between an American and a British woman, roughly tested by distance .

The director and other dedicated his award to his parents, "for believing in love and taught me that love was important for me to make this film one day (...) This film is about love, a love that never dies and stays with you throughout your life. "

The documentary "How to die in Oregon" Peter Richardson, poignant plea for modesty and euthanasia, following the footsteps of several terminally ill patients who decided to end their days in the State of Oregon (west U.S.), where the law allows.

The director has paid tribute to "extraordinary individuals who let me into their lives and tell for the past four years.This award is for you and I owe you, "he said.

In the category of fiction film abroad, the Grand Jury Prize was awarded to the Norwegian film "Happy, Happy, signed Sewitsky Anne, who says the revival of a sexual housewife in the arms of her neighbor.

The Grand Jury Prize Documentary abroad went to 'Hell and back again "(Go back to hell), the photojournalist Danfung Dennis, who recounts the difficult return home from a Marine of 25 years, Nathan Harris, seriously injured in combat in Afghanistan.

This award is "for those returning.It's something we always have in mind, we must never forget, "said the director, who also won the award for best direction of photography.

The Latin American cinema, whose three films participating in the competition, took home the award for best photography for foreign fiction, given to the Colombian film "Todos Tus Muertos" (All your dead).

"Position Among the Stars", Dutch Leonard Retel Helmrich, a wonderful documentary about daily life in an Indonesian family in a slum in Jakarta, leaves with a Special Jury Prize, like the British film "Tyrannosaur" by Paddy Considine, the American documentary "Being Elmo, a puppeteer's journey" Constance Marks and U.S. film "Another Earth" by Mike Cahill.

The Audience Award went to the British documentary "Senna" Asif Kapadia, film US-Rwandan "Kinyarwanda" of Alrick Brown, the American documentary "Buck" Cindy Meehl "and the American film" Circumstance "by Maryam Keshavarz.

The American Erica Dunton and his film "To.get.her "Next come away with the prize, awarded to a very small budget film.

Nearly 120 films were submitted this year for the 27th edition of the Sundance Film Festival, including 58 in competition.

The festival, founded by actor Robert Redford as a counterweight to Hollywood studios by providing a showcase for independent production, has become over the years biggest film festival and market in the United States.

Last year's "Winter's Bone" by Debra Granik, who won the Grand Jury Prize for American fiction. After a successful career in theaters, the film garnered four nominations for the upcoming Academy Awards, February 27, including Best Film.

Monday, January 24, 2011

IRELAND: The government's bluff after the resignation of the Greens

AFP - The Irish government was Sunday at the foot of the wall to immediately call a general election, after the departure of its coalition partner, the Greens.

The Green Party said on Sunday his withdrawal from the coalition government in Ireland, after a week of crisis, which saw six ministers quit in quick succession, then the announcement by Prime Minister Brian Cowen that he would not the leadership of Fianna Fail (center).

The old wolf of Irish politics and hoped to defuse the crisis and remain at his post of prime minister until the date he had set himself for election March 11.

But the pressure is rising throughout the weekend and the start of the Greens now makes inevitable the convening of elections, Fianna Fail no longer have a parliamentary majority.

"Our patience is exhausted," he said on Sunday the leader of the Green Party, citing "lack of communication and the collapse of confidence." John Gormley said it was "absolutely necessary elections. "We decided that we could not stay longer in government," saidGormley.

He however said his party would act "responsibly" and "support the vote of the finance law since the opposition benches."

The Prime Minister has once said he "accepted the decision of the Greens", adding that he would remain at his post until the vote of the Finance Act. He said it was "impossible" to pass the law by Friday, as demanded by opposition parties.

The Finance Act, which completes the Irish budget the highest in the country's history, was published only on Friday and should be examined from next week in parliament. However, it must be dissolved three weeks before the election.What makes an unlikely date for elections by mid February.
A meeting with opposition leaders to be held Monday "to discuss the passage of the act realistically," said Brian Cowen.

Finance Minister Brian Lenihan has recalled the "vital importance" of the text, especially to "establish the confidence of the international community."He felt that some parts of the text could be referred to a subsequent law, adding "of course, mean that the timetable for elections will also be accelerated."

The two main opposition parties, Labour (left) and Fine Gael (center) are committed to accelerating the passage of the law in parliament in exchange for the announcement of a new date for elections.

The number two James Reilly of Fine Gael said that his party would "expedite" the law and file a motion of no confidence if it was not passed by Friday.The Labour party has already filed a motion of no confidence.

Prime Minister Brian Cowen breaks records of unpopularity for his handling of the financial crisis in Ireland, which imposed heavy sacrifices on the population, and have developed a bailout of 85 billion euros with the EU European and International Monetary Fund (IMF), seen as an abandonment of sovereignty in Ireland.

Brian Cowen leaves a poor state party: Fianna Fail is credited with more than 14% of the vote.

The party will choose its new leader Wednesday to 1400 GMT. Four candidates have already declared.Former Foreign Minister Michael Martin, head of the rebellion that precipitated the resignation of Brian Cowen, is favored.

The outgoing head of state Anibal Cavaco Silva seeks re-election in the first round

AFP - The Conservative Anibal Cavaco Silva could be re-elected, according to the polls in the first round Sunday in Portugal's presidency after a campaign moody, suspenseful or private issue despite the economic crisis, due to limited powers of the Head of State.

Concerned about rising unemployment and poverty, submitted since early January their third austerity plan in one year, the Portuguese have little interest marked a ballot which, according to political analysts, the only unknown is abstention which could reach a record level.

Given Mr.Cavaco Silva, an economist with 71 years covered by all of the right and credited 57 to 60% of votes, his main rival, the poet Manuel Alegre, supported by the Socialist Party and the Left Bloc (far left) collected between 20 and 27% of the vote, followed by four other minor candidates.

Already nominated in 2006, Alegre, 74, was then a surprise - and lasting enmities had attracted - by beating, with 20.7% of votes, the official candidate of the Socialist Party, former President Mario Soares (14.3%). Mr.Cavaco Silva, who was Prime Minister ten years (1985-1995), had won the first round with 50.5% of the vote.

"At the final result, there is no uncertainty," said João Marcelino, director of the daily Diario de Noticias, recalling that "in Portugal, past presidents have all been re-elected in the first round."

"The recandidature + + is a kind of walk," he said.

"All that nobody cares," says Carlos, a young 38 year old restaurateur, owner of a "tasca" canteen on the hills of Lisbon.

"People have other concerns, and then, frankly, it is clear that the president is useless," added his wife Catarina, which distributes to customers the latest listings for local residents seeking employment.

In Lisbon, the campaign has remained invisible, no posters or leaflets, the major parties are now back in a very personalized election because of the role of the essentially moral head of state, even if it has the right to dissolve the parliament.

In the interior, the six candidates have stepped up "contacts with people," the markets or at dinner banquet-style supporters.

Dedicating the absence of any substantive discussion, Mr.Cavaco Silva has consistently refused to respond to attacks from his rivals, wrapping himself in his status as head of state who, in his view, the "impossible to meddle in partisan political struggles" or "comment on the statements of political actors. "

Even the "business" of the bank BPN, bound to lucrative financial investments made by Mr Cavaco Silva in the early 2000s, fell like a blow against the silence of the outraged president candidate, having monopolized the media for several days.

And rumors of an imminent international assistance to address the fiscal crisis have, according to commentators, further strengthened the demobilization of voters while Mr.Cavaco Silva has stepped up its criticism of the socialist government, accused of having acted "too late" about the slippage in public finances.

"People know that this is not the president who governs," says political scientist Marina Costa Lobo. This is an important character but he is not the rule that the economic problems. And when they see the Prime Minister to go Brussels announce austerity measures, they understand that the government itself decides little ... and the president even less! ".