Friday, March 11, 2011

Silvio Berlusconi agrees to attend his trial ... but only on Monday

AFP - The head of Italian government Silvio Berlusconi, involved in several lawsuits, including one for prostitution of a minor, reiterated Thursday that he was ready to come and defend himself in person before the court in Milan, provided that the hearings take place on Monday .

"It is ludicrous to accuse me for not having defended in my trial.Instead it will be a satisfaction to be present (in my case), now that my lawyers will prevent me more, "Berlusconi said during a press conference during which he presented his latest reform of justice.

"As there are four or five (note: trial) together, I will dedicate the Sunday and Monday preparing the presence in the courtroom where I think I will have some nice rewards, and most importantly, j will explain to Italians how things really are, "he said.

Mr.Berlusconi is involved in several lawsuits, including tax evasion and false results (Mediaset), corruption control (Mills) and prostitution of a minor and abuse of power (Rubygate, named after the young Moroccan Karim El Mahroug, called Ruby, which He is accused of having paid services when she was not yet 18).

According to the head of the government, accusing the judges of "hard", none of the charges against him is based.

With the exception of the trial Mediaset, whose next hearing was set for April 11, none of the other scheduled hearings will take place Monday.

This Friday, for instance, Berlusconi summoned to Milan in his corruption trial witness.But he can not go because he will attend the extraordinary summit of the EU on Libya.

Last Saturday, his lawyer, Niccolo Ghedini has said that the President of the Council now considered "appropriate to go in person" to the court and intended to go to every hearing where he was summoned.

For several years the head of government, 74 years old, does it more to his trial and is represented by his lawyers.