Monday, March 28, 2011

SYRIA: Authorities confirm the lifting of the state of emergency and send the army in Lattakia

AFP - The Syrian authorities have decided Sunday to revoke the emergency law in force for nearly 50 years, restricting civil liberties, and President Bashar al-Assad, who faces a protest movement, should s' address "very soon" to the public.

Moreover, military reinforcements entered in Lattakia, multifaith city of northwestern Syria, after extremely violent clashes Saturday, which made twelve dead, including members of the security forces, civilians and two insurgents.

"President Bashar al-Assad will address very soon to his people"

In an interview with AFP on Sunday in Damascus, the adviser to the president, Boussaina Shaaban, revealed that the decision to repeal the emergency law in force since 1963 had been taken.

"The decision to repeal the emergency law has already been taken but I do not know when it will be implemented," she said, adding that immediately after the repeal of this law, "all persons arrested under this Act will be released ".

This law, drafted in December 1962 by a previous government, came into force immediately after the arrival in power of the Baath party in March 1963.It imposes restrictions on freedom of assembly and movement, and allows the arrest of "suspects or persons threatening security."

It also allows the monitoring of communications and the diligence of the media.

The Director of the Syrian Human Rights (OSDH) Rami Abdelrahman, who welcomed the expected repeal of that law, estimated that about 2,000 people should be freed.

"All those convicted by the High Court of State security should be released, because the special court was established under this law," he said.

"The successful candidates in the local security services, as arrested without warrant" should be released by him.

Dr. Shaaban has also announced that President Assad, in power since 2000, will address "very soon" to the nation, while the country was shaken by a challenge without precedent.

"President Bashar al-Assad will address very soon to his people to explain the situation and clarify the reforms he intends to pursue in the country," she said.

These reforms include a law on political pluralism and a more liberal law on the press, which will "be subject to public debate," she said.

Military reinforcements to Latakia to dislodge insurgents

Moreover, military reinforcements came in Lattakia, Syrian press reported, to dislodge insurgents who shoot from rooftops and cars against the security forces and bystanders.

In total, since Friday in this city located on the coast, 13 soldiers and civilians and two insurgents were killed, said Ms. Shaban.

She accused the "Muslim extremists were behind the attack, with the objective to bring about sectarian strife in the country."Latakia is inhabited by Sunnis, Alawite, and Christians.

The government newspaper Teshreen reported 150 injured on Friday and Saturday in the port city.

The daily al-Watan said that "the thugs are not the Syrians and their nationality will be announced shortly."

Ms. Shaban had told reporters on Saturday accused "certain Palestinian refugee camp Ramel, near Latakia, of wanting to create fitna (dissension denominational) by pulling the security forces and protesters" to raise tension them.

The Secretary General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) has denied "any involvement of Palestinians in the camp Ramel events Saturday."