Sunday, March 20, 2011

LIBYA: The cyber-Benghazi Mohammed al-Nabbous died

Founder of the web-Libya Alhurra TV, the cyber-Mohammed al-Nabbous died on Saturday at noon at the Benghazi hospital, just hours before the start of the intervention of the international coalition in Libya. Released a little early to make new videos of the attack on forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi over the city, he was the victim of a sniper shooting.

His death was confirmed by mid-afternoon by his wife, pregnant, in an audiotape posted on the site. Tears in her voice, you can hear it say: "Muhammad died for [the liberation of Libya, Ed].What began, we must continue, whatever happens. "

Become a symbol of the Libyan Revolution

28 years old, Mohammed al-Nabbous launched the site Alhurra Libya on February 17, the first day of demonstrations against the regime of Muammar Gaddafi. The internet platform of the telecom engineer by profession has quickly become one of the sources of information most reliable international media to monitor the situation in Benghazi.Through the dissemination of his reports on the Internet, Mohammed al-Nabbous also helped to publicize the growing hostility of the Libyan people against Muammar Gaddafi.

Mohammed al-Nabbous is the second victim of the conflict to be killed when he turned the images. Already last week, a cameraman for Al-Jazeera was killed in an ambush near Benghazi.

In one recent videos he posted on his website, Mohammed Al-Nabbous sought to show the consequences of bombing on civilians.In it, she was heard to say in front of the webcam: "It must be stopped [Gaddafi, Ed]."

At the news of his death, many media have paid tribute, with some even present it as the symbol become the Libyan revolution.