Monday, April 4, 2011

JAPAN: A "tweet" and a book to help the victims of the earthquake and tsunami

It all started with a tweet on March 18. And ended with a book under cryptic. "2:46 - Quakebook" ("2:46" as the time of the earthquake that struck Japan on March 11) is both a collection of stories written in English and an original initiative to help Victims of the earthquake and tsunami.

"I would like to gather experiences from the earthquake in a book, publish it in a week and give the money collected to the Red Cross," he wrote, March 18, on his Twitter feed "ourmaninabiko", behind which lies a British blogger living in Japan.Only constraint imposed on the contributors: the narrative must not exceed 350 words, "about a page of a book," says the proponent.

Good intentions are not long in coming. An official Twitter account is created, soon assisted by a blog and a Facebook page. The official count of the microblogging service relays information and Yoko Ono, wife of the late John Lennon, has done the same on his homepage."In the end, more than 200 people, I do not know for the most part, have participated in the project," tells "ourmaninabiko" which refuses to reveal his identity because he believes that the book is the result of collective work.

Although aware of the power of social media when it comes to "move information", British blogger can not help but be amazed by the result. "I have received something like 200 stories and the book contains 85," he says. The publication of "2:46 - Quakebook" was sealed in 48 hours, last weekend. Not without pain. "I had no experience in publishing.Between the management of the copy, the work of volunteer translators and layout, the work was difficult, "said he.

Amazon contacted

The evidence collected from many Japanese that foreigners living there. "Ourmaninabiko" even received a contribution from William Gibson, American writer of science fiction and the father of cyberpunk, and Jake Adelstein, a journalist-American writer known for his work on the Japanese Mafia.

Most contributors, famous or not, tell what was their reaction when the first quake, others prefer to discuss their annoyance vis-à-vis the government's action or tell the resignation of their parents.The book also contains illustrations.

He is wanting to "2:46 - Quakebook" a publisher. "We could publish directly to our blog, but I think the project deserves to be disseminated more widely," says "ourmaninabiko. He claims to have already received offers to translate the book into German, Spanish and Japanese. The book was submitted to the American giant of the sale of cultural goods online, Amazon, so it can be sold between 10 and 20 dollars "ebook". "Ourmaninabiko" and his team are still awaiting a response.