Thursday, March 31, 2011

COTE D'IVOIRE: Pro-attack Ouattara Laurent Gbagbo's residence in Abidjan

REUTERS - Forces loyal to Alassane Ouattara attacked the residence of Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo in Abidjan outgoing, announced Friday a spokesman for the government to Ouattara.

"Her house is attacked, that's for sure. There is resistance, but it is attacked," said Patrick Achi, told Reuters.

The attack was confirmed by a military source close to the Gbagbo camp. The bodyguards of the outgoing Head of State returned fire, they added.

The spokesman Ouattara had earlier announced that the Republican Forces of Côte d'Ivoire, Alassane Ouattara, considered by almost all of the international community as the winner of the presidential elections of 28 November, had seized the Radio Ivorian television after intense fighting in central Abidjan.

Monday, March 28, 2011

SYRIA: Authorities confirm the lifting of the state of emergency and send the army in Lattakia

AFP - The Syrian authorities have decided Sunday to revoke the emergency law in force for nearly 50 years, restricting civil liberties, and President Bashar al-Assad, who faces a protest movement, should s' address "very soon" to the public.

Moreover, military reinforcements entered in Lattakia, multifaith city of northwestern Syria, after extremely violent clashes Saturday, which made twelve dead, including members of the security forces, civilians and two insurgents.

"President Bashar al-Assad will address very soon to his people"

In an interview with AFP on Sunday in Damascus, the adviser to the president, Boussaina Shaaban, revealed that the decision to repeal the emergency law in force since 1963 had been taken.

"The decision to repeal the emergency law has already been taken but I do not know when it will be implemented," she said, adding that immediately after the repeal of this law, "all persons arrested under this Act will be released ".

This law, drafted in December 1962 by a previous government, came into force immediately after the arrival in power of the Baath party in March 1963.It imposes restrictions on freedom of assembly and movement, and allows the arrest of "suspects or persons threatening security."

It also allows the monitoring of communications and the diligence of the media.

The Director of the Syrian Human Rights (OSDH) Rami Abdelrahman, who welcomed the expected repeal of that law, estimated that about 2,000 people should be freed.

"All those convicted by the High Court of State security should be released, because the special court was established under this law," he said.

"The successful candidates in the local security services, as arrested without warrant" should be released by him.

Dr. Shaaban has also announced that President Assad, in power since 2000, will address "very soon" to the nation, while the country was shaken by a challenge without precedent.

"President Bashar al-Assad will address very soon to his people to explain the situation and clarify the reforms he intends to pursue in the country," she said.

These reforms include a law on political pluralism and a more liberal law on the press, which will "be subject to public debate," she said.

Military reinforcements to Latakia to dislodge insurgents

Moreover, military reinforcements came in Lattakia, Syrian press reported, to dislodge insurgents who shoot from rooftops and cars against the security forces and bystanders.

In total, since Friday in this city located on the coast, 13 soldiers and civilians and two insurgents were killed, said Ms. Shaban.

She accused the "Muslim extremists were behind the attack, with the objective to bring about sectarian strife in the country."Latakia is inhabited by Sunnis, Alawite, and Christians.

The government newspaper Teshreen reported 150 injured on Friday and Saturday in the port city.

The daily al-Watan said that "the thugs are not the Syrians and their nationality will be announced shortly."

Ms. Shaban had told reporters on Saturday accused "certain Palestinian refugee camp Ramel, near Latakia, of wanting to create fitna (dissension denominational) by pulling the security forces and protesters" to raise tension them.

The Secretary General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) has denied "any involvement of Palestinians in the camp Ramel events Saturday."

Thursday, March 24, 2011

SYRIA: At least 15 killed in Dera, Bashar al-Assad sacking the governor of the city

At least 15 people were killed Wednesday in Deraa, the core of the dispute against the government in Syria, which has spilled over into neighboring towns despite a massive deployment of the army and riot police, according to rights activists, the man.

The authorities have blamed the clashes on an "armed gang", accusing him of killing four people and "to store weapons in the mosque," al-Omari to Deraa, a tribal town about 120 km south of Damascus experiencing unprecedented protests since March 18.

Nevertheless, they sacked the governor of Deraa, Khaltoum Faisal, one of the measures demanded by the demonstrators who defied a state of emergency in the country since 1963.

The protests were violently suppressed a total of 21 dead, over a hundred wounded and dozens arrested in a country ruled with an iron fist for 40 years by the Ba'athist regime, where the slightest hint of democracy is put down immediately.

The United States said they were "alarmed" by "violence and arbitrary arrests", while UN chief Ban Ki-moon has condemned the violence against "peaceful protesters".

President Bashar al-Assad came to power in 2000 after the death of his father, did not intervene publicly since the protests began on March 15 launched in Damascus.

New clashes in Dera erupted before dawn.Nine demonstrators, including two women, one child and a doctor, were killed and dozens wounded near the al-Omari, became the rallying point for protesters, according to activists of human rights.

"The security forces fired live bullets and teargas at the demonstrators," said one of them.

Later, six people, including a 11 year old girl suffering from a stray bullet, were killed at funerals of victims of violence at night, "said another activist.

"Live ammunition were fired while the parents of victims and protesters returning from the funeral," he said.

Meanwhile, exchanges of fire took place between security forces and protesters around the al-Omari, according to an AFP reporter who saw two people taken to hospital. One was hit by a bullet to the head and another body was bloodied.The exact circumstances of their deaths were not yet known.

The authorities have denounced "foreign parties who continue to spread lies about Deraa" and said that SMS messages were sent to most of Israel, calling on Syrians to provoke unrest.

Late afternoon, the streets were deserted and most shops closed at Deraa, encircled by the army and riot police.

All entrances to the town were blocked and vehicles allowed to enter must pass two dams run by members of the intelligence services armed plainclothes.

But the protests have affected neighboring towns.Residents of Dahel, 25 km further north, reported casualties during demonstrations against the regime, while more than 2,000 people marched through the town near Kharra as an activist.

It was not possible to confirm this information.

An unprecedented protest movement began on March 15 in Syria following a call via a Facebook page titled "Revolution against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in 2011," at events for "a Syria without tyranny of lawless emergency or exceptional courts. "

Small demonstrations have been dispersed since March 15 in the capital, then the movement has spread to the south.

Inequalities have widened in Syria, poverty affecting 14% of the 22 million Syrians. The rate of unemployment, which particularly affects young people, is estimated by experts to 22%.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

LIBYA: The cyber-Benghazi Mohammed al-Nabbous died

Founder of the web-Libya Alhurra TV, the cyber-Mohammed al-Nabbous died on Saturday at noon at the Benghazi hospital, just hours before the start of the intervention of the international coalition in Libya. Released a little early to make new videos of the attack on forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi over the city, he was the victim of a sniper shooting.

His death was confirmed by mid-afternoon by his wife, pregnant, in an audiotape posted on the site. Tears in her voice, you can hear it say: "Muhammad died for [the liberation of Libya, Ed].What began, we must continue, whatever happens. "

Become a symbol of the Libyan Revolution

28 years old, Mohammed al-Nabbous launched the site Alhurra Libya on February 17, the first day of demonstrations against the regime of Muammar Gaddafi. The internet platform of the telecom engineer by profession has quickly become one of the sources of information most reliable international media to monitor the situation in Benghazi.Through the dissemination of his reports on the Internet, Mohammed al-Nabbous also helped to publicize the growing hostility of the Libyan people against Muammar Gaddafi.

Mohammed al-Nabbous is the second victim of the conflict to be killed when he turned the images. Already last week, a cameraman for Al-Jazeera was killed in an ambush near Benghazi.

In one recent videos he posted on his website, Mohammed Al-Nabbous sought to show the consequences of bombing on civilians.In it, she was heard to say in front of the webcam: "It must be stopped [Gaddafi, Ed]."

At the news of his death, many media have paid tribute, with some even present it as the symbol become the Libyan revolution.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

CHAMPIONS LEAGUE: Facing Real Madrid, Lyon trusts to exploit

"Cristiano contra la maldición (Cristiano against the curse, Ed). In a Madrid sports daily As on Wednesday morning, caution is advised. Yet, statistically, after a draw snatched by Real at the Stade Gerland in the first leg 1-1, (three weeks ago), OL only 25% chance of qualifying.

Last year, after the first leg, the media had sent the Iberian Real in the quarter from the final whistle, despite a narrow defeat to Lyon (1-0). They had predicted the hell and humiliation to the Rhone in the den of Santiago Bernabeu. After 90 minutes, OL had finally snatched a draw logical and eliminated the Real.Hence the relative timidity of the Spanish media on the eve of the meeting ...

In seven encounters, Lyon have never lost against Real, and each time, have scored at least one goal. To reach the quarterfinals of the 2011 edition, Claude Puel's men will at least continue on this path.

This season, the task is particularly difficult. Since the Portuguese coach Jose Mourinho took control of the first team, Real Madrid has won all the matches played on his lawn.To pass, the OL will have to break this momentum to be a victory, either by snatching a draw and by scoring at least twice.

The Rhone in Olympic form

Again this year, Lyon has arguments that can swing the fate of the tie. After a disastrous start to the season, Lyon have found color and have lost none of their last seven games.

For several weeks, OL managed to leverage its offensive firepower: 16 goals scored during the last five games. At the forefront of the attack, Bafétimbi Gomis, transparent to the winter transfer window, returned to form and means of getting better with Lisandro.The Argentinian has also regained its shape and remains on four goals in two games.

Only Yoann Gourcuff, in midfield, still does not respond to the expectations the club has placed in him.

Real to overcome the curse

Defensively, the Rhone should also have a job because the offensive power of the Real in full swing since the beginning of the season (67 goals in 26 matches in La Liga). After a difficult start of the year, the former Lyon Karim Benzema for his part, found the net and scored three doubles in his last three outings.

The uncertainty surrounding the presence of Cristiano Ronaldo, a time to a thigh injury, has also been lifted and the Portuguese virtuoso should be in the game.It was on its ability to impact that Jose Mourinho should be based, once again, to try to defeat the Indian sign. Real record holder for victories with nine wins C1, has spent more than the knockout stages for the past six seasons.

The Merengue, which are now pointing to five lengths of FC Barcelona in La Liga, more than ever need to validate their ticket to the quarterfinals. Weaned titles since 2008, socios Club Lighthouse Capital can not be satisfied with a new White Season in 2011. And even a victory in the final of the King's Cup, against Barcelona, ​​20 April, will probably not suffice to allay the spans of the Bernabeu. Hence the need for a win against Gones tonight ...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Silvio Berlusconi agrees to attend his trial ... but only on Monday

AFP - The head of Italian government Silvio Berlusconi, involved in several lawsuits, including one for prostitution of a minor, reiterated Thursday that he was ready to come and defend himself in person before the court in Milan, provided that the hearings take place on Monday .

"It is ludicrous to accuse me for not having defended in my trial.Instead it will be a satisfaction to be present (in my case), now that my lawyers will prevent me more, "Berlusconi said during a press conference during which he presented his latest reform of justice.

"As there are four or five (note: trial) together, I will dedicate the Sunday and Monday preparing the presence in the courtroom where I think I will have some nice rewards, and most importantly, j will explain to Italians how things really are, "he said.

Mr.Berlusconi is involved in several lawsuits, including tax evasion and false results (Mediaset), corruption control (Mills) and prostitution of a minor and abuse of power (Rubygate, named after the young Moroccan Karim El Mahroug, called Ruby, which He is accused of having paid services when she was not yet 18).

According to the head of the government, accusing the judges of "hard", none of the charges against him is based.

With the exception of the trial Mediaset, whose next hearing was set for April 11, none of the other scheduled hearings will take place Monday.

This Friday, for instance, Berlusconi summoned to Milan in his corruption trial witness.But he can not go because he will attend the extraordinary summit of the EU on Libya.

Last Saturday, his lawyer, Niccolo Ghedini has said that the President of the Council now considered "appropriate to go in person" to the court and intended to go to every hearing where he was summoned.

For several years the head of government, 74 years old, does it more to his trial and is represented by his lawyers.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

LIBYA: Gaddafi intensifies offensive-cons and denies any attempt to negotiate

Muammar Gaddafi he seeks to negotiate his departure with the insurgents? Since Monday, several sources indicate that the Libyan leader would try to arrange for him and his family, an "exit" honorable.

Questioned on FRANCE 24, Gheriani Mustafa, spokesman for the Libyan National Council (NLC), the governing body of opposition to the regime, reported an "attempt [negotiating] Unofficial through one former ministers "of Muammar Gaddafi. "He basically wanted assurances on his safety and that of his family, and the fact that Libya gave up any legal action against him after his departure, he said. The Council's position is very clear: we do not negotiate with Gaddafi, who has blood on their hands of the Libyans.He knows where the Tripoli airport: all he has to do is leave. "

The opposition may abandon prosecution

A position contradicted in part, this Tuesday, Abdeljalil by Mustapha, former Minister of Justice and President of CNL. He said the lawyers are advocates of Tripoli, and not emissaries of Muammar Gaddafi, who is behind these attempts at negotiations. Libyan leader "did not send anyone.Some people have proposed as intermediate to stop the bloodshed, "he told AFP.

He also called on Muammar Gaddafi to resign and then leaving the country in exchange for immunity from prosecution: "We will not prosecute criminal charges against him," he said.

The regime denies him, these allegations. On Monday evening, official sources it uses to communicate normally contacted by the special envoys of FRANCE 24 in Libya, refuted this information."The Libyan news agency does not confirm the government's spokesman, Dr. Moussa Ibrahim, speaks even joke," explained Willy Bracciano Tuesday morning, one of the envoys in Tripoli.

"An apparent willingness to open still seems to be emerging in the camp Gaddafi. Former Prime Minister spoke yesterday to the rebels to Libyan television by proposing a national dialogue to resolve the crisis."

In an interview Sunday with FRANCE 24, the Libyan leader had in any event precluded from leaving the country."Why should I leave when I'm not president?" He repeated then.

Washington very reluctant to the idea of a no-fly zone

Overseas, the international community continues to wonder about how to put an end to violence, with no clear solution is taking shape again. Calls for the establishment of a no-fly zone over Libya, which would de facto prevent raids targeting insurgents and the population becomes more pressing: the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) were in favor.France and Britain are planning to also introduce this week a draft resolution to that effect to the Security Council of UN.

President Barack Obama has launched him on Monday night a warning to employees of Muammar Gaddafi by warning that they should "be accountable". He also reiterated that all options - including that of military intervention - were on the table.

For Americans, however, it is very clear that this is not the White House to make decisions about intervention in Libya, but the Security Council of the UN. "It does not seem that we take the path of use of force to the UN, says Philippe Gassot, FRANCE 24's correspondent in Washington.(...) The no-fly zone is one way around some obstacles ... She obviously has a military phase because it must destroy airports, radar, control towers and aircraft that may be found on the ground, but it does not look like a landing. Americans are still very reluctant: they consider that this option is very difficult to implement and the results are not guaranteed. "

Meanwhile, the forces of Muammar Gaddafi on Tuesday continued its raids near the oil port of Ras Lanuf.