Monday, February 28, 2011

TUNISIA: The resignation of Ghannouchi, a victory for supporters of the rupture

Mohammed Ghannouchi party is to Beji Caid Essebsi, 84, returns as the heavy task of leading the transition in Tunisia. It was named Sunday as Prime Minister by the Tunisian president Acting Fouad Mebazaa.

Vincent Geisser, a researcher at the Institute for Research and Studies on the Arab and Muslim world (IREMAM / CNRS), met the new head of government in the early 2000s, as part of his research. He said his appointment should not fully satisfy those who demanded the departure of Mohammed Ghannouchi.The researcher believes, however, that by pushing him to leave office, advocates a "radical democracy" have scored a point over a line of defenders and technocratic moderate. - Who is the new Prime Minister of Tunisia, Beji Caid Essebsi?

Vincent Geisser - A man from a prominent aristocratic family of Tunisia, but who, from his early youth, has chosen the struggle for independence. Beji Caid Essebsi is the prototype of the young part of the neo-Destour was quickly noticed by President Habib Bourguiba [father of independence and first president of the Tunisian Republic, ed].Very young, he is entrusted with important responsibilities: he was appointed interior minister [in 1965], and later Minister of Foreign Affairs [in 1981]. At the time, he plays a mediating role between the hardliners of the party and the Liberal Movement of Social Democrats [MDS].

Beji Caid Essebsi was never part of the clan close Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali was neither a hawk nor a fanatic of the old regime. But he had his card Constitutional Democratic Rally [RCD, the party of Ben Ali]. However, it was a symbolic role in the training.

It has a picture of a man liberal, moderate, cosmopolitan, French ...It is also an experienced lawyer and a man of law.

F24 - His appointment does satisfy those who demanded the resignation of Mohammed Ghannouchi?

VG - Beji Caid Essebsi can embody a balance between continuity and rupture. He belonged to the three systems: the Bourguiba, Ben Ali and that of it belongs to the current system. But his profile remains profound sociological shift with those young people who started the revolution. Beji Caid Essebsi has 84 years while they are part of the new generation is Tunisians although they originate from inside the country and is an aristocrat while they are poor ...

F24 - The resignation of Mohammed Ghannouchi she plunges further the transition process at an impasse?

VG - No, it should not be pessimistic.Tunisia seeks and hesitating between two options. There is a side option for a technocratic smooth transition, where the custody of members of the former regime gradually integrating new elements. And then there's the camp of radical democracy, which promotes the breakdown and demanded the establishment of a Constituent Assembly that would lead to the rapid development of a new constitution before holding elections. This line is peaceful but claimed that social policies are quickly put in place to address inequalities.

The option technocratic, played by Mohammed Ghannouchi, failed. The most radical have scored points, but the only problem is that this coalition of Democrats is very eclectic.There are elites in the opposition, such as Marzouki [a historical opponent to Ben Ali] or Mustapha Ben Jaffar [Secretary General of the Democratic Forum for Labour and Freedoms], the union's General Union Workers in Tunisia [UGTT], youth who started the revolution, bourgeois Tunis, members of the extreme left ... The street was right government of compromise, but in front there, for now, no real political coalition structure.

F24 - Should we fear a division between those who, within the population, want a radical and those who advocate a technocratic transition?

VG - No, because everyone is in favor of breaking with the old regime and the adoption of a new constitution.These are opinions shared many of the young Sidi Bouzid Sidi Bou Said bourgeois. Mohammed Ghannouchi's resignation proves that there is a true democratic will and that those in power respond to the street. The Prime Minister's speech was retiring very reassuring: he said he would not be an obstacle to the democratic process ... It is the antithesis of speech by Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi!

The transition process is uncertain, there are still many question marks, but we are far from the chaos. Public functions, the administration works ... It is no longer the old regime, and it is not anarchy either. There is simply a power struggle between the democratic logic and technocratic logic.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

FLYING RIO PARIS: Airbus and Air France summoned to court

Airbus and Air France are convened on March 17 by justice for their likely under investigation for "manslaughter" in the investigation into the accident on 1 June 2009 flight from Rio to Paris, which had killed 228 people off Brazil.

The judges made the announcement to the families of victims and their advocates met Thursday afternoon at the Palais de Justice in Paris for an update on the survey, less than a month before the launch of a new phase of research boxes black unit.

According to several participants at the meeting, Air France and Airbus should be indicted on March 17 as corporations for "involuntary homicide".

"There is nothing new in the folder that explains why the judge considering the indictment already when there are no reports of experts and a new judicial phase sea search will start March 20, "responded to AFP Fernand Garnault, counsel for Air France.

"We do not doubt for one moment that the judge relied on very seriously," he commented to the press one of the victims' lawyers, Alain Jakubowicz."We hope an adversarial and explanations from mastodons + +", Airbus and Air France said the lawyer.

To Me Olivier Morice, another plaintiffs' lawyer, "is a real turning point" because "if the judges make this decision, it demonstrates that the evidence in their possession are serious.It's a breakthrough. "

Experts have particularly considered "too late and ineffective" Air France's reaction to early warnings about the reliability of pitot probes, which measure the speed of the aircraft, according to a source familiar with the matter.

No indictment has yet been issued in the investigation so far suspended the possible discovery of the black boxes of the Airbus A330 that crashed on 1 June 2009 in the Atlantic Ocean. So far, only 3% of the aircraft and fifty bodies have been recovered in the days following the air disaster.

New search operations at sea from the wreck of the Airbus will be launched on March 20 to a new area of 10,000 km2.This will be the fourth phase of research from the downed aircraft and its black boxes, which could last until July, in three steps of 36 days each.

In the state of research and technical data collected, the Bureau of Investigation and Analysis (BEA), responsible for technical investigation, believes that the failure rate pitot probes is one of the causes of the accident but not alone may be the cause of the disaster.

"These indictments likely Airbus and Air France are not an end in itself, but they allow a more adversarial," said a leader of the Association of Mutual Aid and Solidarity AF447 victims, Jean-Baptiste Audousset .

Morice me but mentioned "a number of obstacles" encountered, he said, by the investigators. "Judges who launched a commission faced procedural obstacles," he said, pointing to "agencies" responsible "in Germany of aviation rules and want to play European immunities."

Sunday, February 20, 2011

LIBYA: Seif al-Islam Gaddafi brandished the threat of civil war

Seif Al-Islam Gaddafi, a son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi said that Libya was on the brink of civil war and the target of a foreign plot, during a televised speech on the night of Sunday to Monday.

Seif Al-Islam Gaddafi has acknowledged that several cities, including Benghazi and Al-Baida in the east, were the prey of fierce fighting and the mobs had seized military weapons. Tens of thousands of people head to Tripoli, he said.

"At the moment the tanks move in Benghazi led by civilians. A Al-Baida people have guns and numerous ammunition depots were looted.We have weapons, the army has weapons, the forces that want to destroy Libya weapons, "he said.

He said the clashes were provoked by Libyan and foreign elements to destroy national unity and establish an Islamic republic, according to these statements broadcast by Libyan state television.

"We will destroy the elements of the insurgency," he said, while promising the "formation of a commission to create a constitution."

"The army will now have a key role in imposing security because it is the unity and stability of Libya" that are at stake, "said the son of Libyan leader.

"Libya is at a crossroads.Either we are hearing today on reforms, or we do not mourn 84 deaths but thousands and there will be rivers of blood throughout Libya, "said Seif al-Islam.

He repeated several times this figure of 84 dead in violence that began last week in Libya and said the balance sheets provided by "foreign media" were "greatly exaggerated".

According to Human Rights Watch, at least 173 people were killed in Libya since the start of the protest on February 15.

According to an AFP count compiled from various sources Libyan stock of demonstrations against the regime of Colonel Gaddafi is at least 77 dead, mostly in Benghazi.

Heavy gunfire were heard around 11:45 p.m. GMT in several districts of Tripoli by the AFP correspondent on the spot.

Seif al-Islam said that "Libya is not Egypt or Tunisia," in reference to these two neighboring countries whose leaders, Hosni Mubarak and Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, have been driven by the Street in recent weeks. "The Libyan army will play a big role. This is the Tunisian army, not the Egyptian army," he said.

"Gaddafi is not Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. It is not Mubarak," he said.

Colonel Gaddafi made no public statement since the violence began.He has been in power in Libya since 1969.

"We will not abandon one inch of Libya," he said Seif al-Islam said: "We live in Libya, we will die in Libya."

According to unconfirmed reports, Muammar Gaddafi, born in 1942, would have left Libya on Sunday night.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

LIBYA: Fever cyberdissidence to attack the regime of Gaddafi

Surrounded by two popular revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt, Libya, led an iron fist by Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, is contaminated in turn by fever cyberdissidence. For several weeks, the Libyan youth is now to harness the power of YouTube, Facebook and Twitter to express his opposition to the plan. An unprecedented event.

Since coming to power of the "Guide of the Libyan Jamahiriya" in 1969, the international community has difficulty obtaining credible and independent information from the North African state, long isolated diplomatically.But this week, the video sharing site online, YouTube has been flooded with images of amateur violent protests that took place during the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, Benghazi in the east. According to a latest report, 38 people were injured during the clashes.

Disseminated by the media, relayed by Internet

The videos have been broadcast by major international media and massively publicized on the web by Internet via Twitter and Facebook social networks on the eve of the "day of anger" that the Libyan dissidents have planned for this Thursday.

They have invited the public to take to the streets through a Facebook page titled "Revolt of February 17, 2011: Day of anger in Libya."Created on January 28 by Hassan al-Djahmi, a Libyan dissident living in exile in Switzerland, the group has far more than 14,000 fans.

"The Internet has played a decisive role in spreading the spirit of dissent in Libya, says Guma el Gamaty, a Libyan writer based in London. Over the last two months, the number of young people who have joined Facebook groups and network Twitter has exploded. They are tens of thousands to connect to discuss and organize on Twitter, "he says.

The telecom network controlled by the son of Gaddafi

Like many countries in the region, Libya has a very young population. Nearly 33% of the 6.5 million inhabitants are under 14 years.But unlike Egypt, which, with its 80 million inhabitants, remains the most populous Arab country, Libya, benefited by strong oil reserves, has managed to secure a higher standard of living for its people and maintain low prices for basic commodities. "But the lack of infrastructure that the penetration of the Internet is not very high," notes El-Gamaty.

And for good reason, much of the infrastructure of the Libyan Jamahiriya, governed by an unusual cocktail of socialism and Islam, was nationalized and controlled by a clique of relatives of Colonel Gaddafi.The pattern of state-owned telecoms companies - Libyana and Al Madar, who provide mobile telephony services and Internet access - is none other than Mohammed Moammar Gadhafi, the eldest son of the "guide".

Twitter to the rescue

Therefore, access to certain Web sites and remains closely controlled by Tripoli. "Three months ago, they blocked the YouTube website, like Facebook for a while instead.It is expected that they all begin again by cutting the internet connection altogether in the coming days, "said Mojahed Bossisy, a Libyan journalist based in Qatar.

Despite the censorship, the Twitter site, particularly used by the Tunisian and Egyptian dissidents, remains functional. On the eve of the "day of rage", many Internet users are used to indicate to the Libyans to take steps to avoid a potential deadlock.

Rap anti-Gaddafi

In addition, the site Libyan Khalas! ("Enough"), launched in 2009 by Libyan exiles in the United States, participates fully in the campaign of opposition against the dictatorial regime of Gaddafi, he denounces in English and Arabic.This particular site has provided a forum for Ben Thabet rapper, songwriter incendiary against the regime, which called on Libyans to revolt and revolution inspired by the Tunisian.

Most observers agree, however, suggest a scenario of escalation to the Egyptian or Tunisian is unlikely in the Libyan Jamahiriya. "Zero tolerance applied by the scheme does not permit the emergence of organized opposition or recognized.Nor is there civil institutions, trade unions, freedom of speech or press, "explains El-Gamaty.

However, there are a multitude of ingredients that can keep the wind of revolt in Libya: the young population, high unemployment, widespread corruption of the regime, a weak health system and widespread resentment within population. El-Gamaty is one of the many Libyan dissidents who recognize that it will be difficult to make a revolution, but not impossible.

In "Al-Soal" ("The Question"), Ben Thabet sings: "There are several reasons why the Libyans should revolt. Perhaps it is not next week or the one after, but it will happen .One day it will happen. "

Sunday, February 13, 2011

TUNISIA: The chief diplomat resigns after improper statements

AFP - The head of Tunisian diplomacy Ounaïes Ahmed on Sunday presented his resignation on the eve of the visit to Tunisia by the head of European diplomacy and Catherine Ashton as thousands of illegal immigrants arrived in Italy, Tunisia, the agency said APR.

"In a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ahmed Ounaïes today presented his resignation from the transitional government," said agency official.

This former ambassador to retire, aged 75 years and who served under the presidency of Habib Bourguiba and Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, was appointed Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in the first government of national unity, 17 January.He became a minister in the transitional government revised 27 January by Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi.

But a visit to France since February 4, he had hardly taken up his duties, according to diplomatic sources.

The Independent was heckled on February 7 by Foreign Affairs officials who were demonstrating in front of and within the confines of his department by claiming he leaves immediately after his remarks in Paris. He then took his belongings and left his office.

Visiting Paris whose belated return to the popular revolution was cringe in Tunis, Mr. Ounaïes had no praise for his counterpart Michele Alliot-Marie."I like to listen to Ms Alliot-Marie in all circumstances and in all fora", "he said.

He hailed it "above all a friend of Tunisia," while "MAM" was summoned to explain himself at the same time in France for having benefited from the generosity of a great boss Tunisian business related to the clan and Ben Ali for proposing to the tottering regime "expertise" of the French police, while repression was in full swing.

He had been pinned to "denial of revolution" after statements to the Tunisian private TV Nesma.A cartoon the next day, the daily A Time, showed, under the title "Crazy Alliot-Marie," surrounded by little hearts, seated next to "MAM".

His resignation comes on the eve of the visit to Tunis in the head of European diplomacy and while Italy is preparing to request the deployment of Italian policemen in Tunisia in an attempt to prevent illegal immigrants from many departures from this countries.

Rome, which fears a humanitarian crisis, has already asked the EU to take an early final decision within ten days on the Frontex deployment of a mission to patrol the coast of Tunisia.

His departure also represents a new squawk for the transitional government, as politicians and observers, is still sailing in sight, one month after the fall of Ben Ali, multiplying doubts, misconceptions and flashbacks.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

UNITED STATES: The House opposes the extension of the Patriot Act anti-terrorism law

The U.S. House of Representatives Tuesday night blocked a proposed short-term renewal of the Patriot Act, a legislative arsenal to combat terrorism set up by the administration of George W. Bush after the Sept. 11, which expires in late February.

Elected officials voted on the text by 277 votes against 148. But to be adopted to the extent needed a two thirds majority.He missed less than fifteen votes.

This extension until December 8 do not correspond exactly to the wishes of the White House that called for an extension until 2013, but the Chair had said in a statement it does "not oppose" the bill of House.

Bill conceived after Sept. 11 to try to remedy the shortcomings of U.S. authorities in the fight against terrorism is highly controversial because of the exceptional powers given to security forces.

The Republican chairman of the Committee of Intelligence Mike Rogers, argued that extension of short-term in a statement Wednesday saying: "it is our duty to examine the measures in a comprehensive, energetic and sensible, rather than rushing into extended long term. " Mr.Rogers wanted to use the nine months to negotiate "ideally a permanent extension.

In the Senate, debate on how the extension will be even more complicated because several competing bills were filed.

The chairman of the Judiciary Committee Patrick Leahy proposes an extension until December 2013 these measures.

Senate Republicans, themselves, want a permanent extension of these measures, but unlike their colleagues in the House, they are a minority.

Three major steps are involved: "mobile monitor" communications of suspects using multiple phone lines, the principle of "lone wolf" who can investigate a person purporting to conduct terrorist activities on its own account, the possibility for authorities to access "any tangible data" on a suspect, such as emails.

The Minister of Justice Eric Holder and the Director of American Intelligence (DNI) Eric Clapper called elected officials in a letter Jan. 28 to renew the three measures. They cautioned against renewal of the Patriot Act "short term".

Sunday, February 6, 2011

TUNISIA: The city of El Kef plagued by further violence

The city of Le Kef, in the north-western Tunisia, connnu Sunday a second day of violence with the burning of police headquarters, according to union sources, who said that the army had been deployed after attacks carried out by "gangs".

"There's panic in the city.The building (s) security forces in the district is on fire, "he told AFP Hadaoui Rauf, a trade unionist Kef joined by phone.

"Several police cars were burned and the fire threatens homes' neighbors, he said, describing a constant ballet of ambulances but without being able to tell whether these new violence had caused casualties.

"The army has been deployed throughout the city and seeks to facilitate the work of rescue," he added.

Youth gang then tried to attack the Kef prison to free inmates and were repulsed by the army, told AFP Hadaoui Rauf and one other union, Abdelatif Bouguera.

An army helicopter was turning over the city, the sources said.

Kef had lived on Saturday in violent clashes between police and protesters demanding the departure from the local police chief accused of abuse of power.

An authoritative source from the Ministry of Interior gave Sunday a report of two dead and 13 injured including four policemen, without details on the circumstances.Four of the injured were transferred to Tunis, it was added the same source.

Union sources on Saturday had reported four dead and fifteen wounded.

Hundreds of people had "burned the police station" and "ransacked" the local headquarters of the RCD (former ruling party) and the Commissioner's Residence Ghazouani Khaled, who was the first to fire on demonstrators, joined by several witnesses by AFP.

After a lull on Sunday morning, the situation has again deteriorated in the city, where "gangs of youths attacked and looted the police station" before setting the fire that has spread throughout the building, according to Mr. Hadaoui.For him, the robbers were "paid by the RCD to cause trouble."

For its part, the official news agency TAP confirmed the fire and the deployment of the army. The agency said the protesters had previously "taken the documents and equipment."

Three weeks after the fall of the regime of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, the situation remains tense in Tunisia.The events are held across the country to demand the departure of staff in place under Ben Ali and warn against attempts to "confiscation" of the revolution.

The government has repeatedly denounced a "conspiracy" of supporters of ousted president, saying the attacks in some cities and cons of public buildings including police, were the work of young paid by the RCD.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

HAITI: Haitians suspended the announcement of the results of the first round of presidential

Peacekeepers from the UN mission in Haiti were deployed Wednesday in the day in Port-au-Prince and in cities across the country in anticipation of the announcement of final results of the disputed first round of presidential elections initially planned evening. Finally, night has fallen on the island without any result is revealed.

Haitians are suspended from the verdict of the Provisional Election Commission (PEC). In the streets of Port-au-Prince on Wednesday afternoon, the UN vehicles were visible, and private banks and commercial institutions were closed earlier than usual.Local residents rushed to buy food and water.

"We have people deployed in strategic locations in the capital and regions, while awaiting the results," he told AFP spokesman for police in the UN Mission for Stabilization of Haiti (MINUSTAH), Jean-François Vézina.

Haiti was plunged into a serious political crisis since the beginning of December the provisional results of the first round of voting on 28 November, according to which the former first lady and candidate Mirlande Manigat power Jude Celestin qualified for the second round scheduled for now March 20.

These results have led to violence by supporters of the candidate who came third, the singer Michel Martelly.

The PRC had assured to do his best to respect the official date of February 2. But the "willingness and availability" displayed by some electoral advisers, including Jacques Belzin, were not enough.

Among the questions that remain unanswered, Haitians wonder if the PRC is likely to follow the recommendations of the Organization of American States (OAS) by announcing a second round without Jude Celestin, between Mr and Mrs Martelly Manigat.The ruling party took the decision last week to reject its candidate in the race, but Jude Celestin has not confirmed his own withdrawal.

On Tuesday, opposition parties and civil society organizations have requested the cancellation of elections and the establishment of a "provisional government" February 7, when the term of outgoing President Rene Preval expires .

The Head of State has already announced he would stay beyond that date to allow the electoral process to succeed.

The return on January 16 in Haiti's former dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier, after 25 years in exile, has plunged even further the country into crisis.

In a television interview, Mr.Duvalier assured returning to help rebuild the country after the earthquake of January 12, 2010 which was 220,000 people.

It was, incidentally, boasted of having "launched" the democratic process in Haiti. "When you call me a tyrant, it makes me laugh, because people are suffering from amnesia," said Mr. Duvalier, who is the subject of complaints for crimes against humanity.

Adding to the confusion, the Haitian government was ready Monday to grant a passport to former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, exiled in South Africa after being ousted in an armed insurrection in 2004.