Sunday, May 22, 2011

ROLAND GARROS: The French Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, headlining the first day

Jo-Wilfried Tsonga will be the attraction of a lean first day at Roland Garros where Manceau, as opposed to modest Czech Jan Hajek, will be responsible to lead the way to the French camp.

Introduced in 2006, the "Sunday start" allows the tournament to start gently with a small lineup that has only one Top 10 player, David Ferrer, and the outgoing runner Samantha Stosur this year.

The projectors will therefore focus trained on the eleven French and especially Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, whose beginnings are expected in Paris where he lines up for the fourth time this year without a coach.

For N.18 world, it is better to start than last year when, also scheduled the first Sunday, he struggled for five sets to the unknown German Daniel Brands, a burst of energy that would cost him dearly since it had left behind in eighth in the final against Mikhail Youzhny.

On paper, Jan Hajek, 121st World, it can be a danger even less. Skimming the circuit for a while now, the player Olomouc, 27, has never been ranked higher than 71st, 2006, and was easily beaten Tsonga 6-3, 6-2 in their only meeting, Barcelona on clay in 2010.

"This is a first round of Grand Slam. There is always some tension.But I realize that it is within my reach, "admitted Tsonga who said this time ready to play", unlike last year when he did not expect to have to enter the track on Sunday.

"My coaches prepared me to start on Monday or Tuesday, remembers there. It hurt me a bit. The evidence, I came with soreness on the Central face Daniel Brands.I came close to disaster because I remember he had made the break at the beginning of the fifth set ... "

Manceau addition, the French public will face Julien Benneteau in Portuguese Rui Machado and watch a feat David Guez before the Ukrainian Sergiy Stakhocvsky, seeded N.31, or Augustine Gensse face Switzerland's Stanislas Wawrinka (N.14 ) Tsonga potential opponent in the third round.

Note also the two fratricidal duels between Adrian Mannarino and Guillaume Rufin and between Vincent Millot Maxime and Texeira.

Among girls, Mathilde Johansson has the honor of facing the Central German Julia Goerges (n.17) Aliz Cornet then open the tournament on the Suzanne Lenglen before the Czech Renata Voracova.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Croke Park, the symbol of the march towards Independence

On the second day of his visit to Ireland, Queen Elizabeth II visited this Wednesday at Croke Park stadium in Dublin. A highly symbolic passage in the process of reconciliation between Britain and its neighbor.Croke Park has long remained the undisputed temple of Gaelic sports - such as hurling, Gaelic football and Camogie.

The stadium, which has a capacity of 82,300 seats, was opened to other sports (like football and rugby) in 2005, 92 years after its commissioning in 1913.

Most importantly, Croke Park was in 1920, the scene of a massacre orchestrated by British forces that helped lead to independence.

On the morning of November 21, 1920, the Irish Republican Army (IRA), Armed Force independence, launched a commando in several places in Dublin to remove a network of agents of British intelligence.The review of the operation was high: in the ranks UK, 12 people were killed and two paramilitaries in the pay of the Crown.

In the afternoon, the regular British police, backed by paramilitaries, decides to conduct a "punitive expedition" during a Gaelic football match, sports flagship of Ireland.

Catalyst for the march towards Independence

The British forces entering Croke Park, where 5,000 people gathered, and opened fire on the crowd. Fourteen people, including a woman, two children and two players were killed.

London, which had not been informed of the operation, is struggling to justify the massacre.The official version of the authorities reported a police action aimed at searching the audience to uncover potential supporters of the IRA and said that it is they who opened fire first.

Subsequent surveys will invalidate this thesis.Seventy-nine years later, the "Bloody Sunday" ("Bloody Sunday", not to be confused with the 1972 in Londonderry, Ed) is still remembered for the Irish as one of the pivotal events of the march the country to Independence.

Indeed, he helped establish the resentment against Great Britain in the Irish population, until the formal independence of Eire in 1922.

In Ireland, Croke Park is more than a major sporting complex. It is a temple of Irish culture, a monument dedicated to the memory of the struggle for national independence.

Monday, May 16, 2011

FRANCE: The number two in the IMF, John Lipsky, will act in the absence of DSK

The International Monetary Fund will take in an "informal" Sunday a special meeting of its board of directors after the arrest Saturday in New York's chief executive, Dominique Strauss-Kahn announced the institution.

"It is expected that the board will hold an informal meeting today to be kept informed of developments relating to the Chief," said the Fund in a statement.

"In accordance with normal procedures of the IMF, John Lipsky, first deputy managing director, is interim CEO when the CEO is not in Washington. Mr.Lipsky will chair the informal meeting of the board today, "the IMF added.

The Egyptian-American-British "Nemat Shafik, the Assistant Director General who oversees the work of the IMF in a number of countries of the European Union, will attend the Eurogroup meeting on Monday in Brussels," has also announced the IMF.

Strauss-Kahn had originally planned to attend the meeting of finance ministers of the euro area.

The IMF board is composed of representatives from 24 countries and country groups. It may initiate disciplinary proceedings against the Director General in cases of "serious violations" of the code of conduct for officials of the institution.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

FRANCE: The illegal residents will no longer be grounds for incarceration

France is not going to detain aliens for the sole reason for staying illegally in its territory, even if they refuse to be escorted to the border, under a ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union, according to a circular issued Thursday by the Chancellery and consulted by AFP.

The Luxembourg Court, written by an Italian court ruled April 28 illegal detention of irregular migrants if he refuses to leave the country.

"To comply with the decision of 28 April", the circular requires prosecutors not to place in custody and shall not proceed in case of an alien "violent behavior toward people in authority or public result of fraud (false paperwork), detachable from the offense of illegal residence or subtraction to an expulsion. "

The text also mentions "behavior to obstruct the enforcement of the expulsion order by the administrative authority was when first implementing the detention."

"It will be necessary now, before any prosecution based on Article 624-1 of Ceseda (code entry and stay of foreigners and asylum) to focus on characterizing a manifest lack of cooperation in the phase identification takes place during the administrative detention or resistance to the execution of the forced expulsion procedure, "recommends the circular.

According to the text, the European arrest produced "differences of interpretation between the various courts of appeal" in France, where illegal residence and subtraction are subject to deportation in prison.

Pursuant to this ruling, decisions favorable to foreigners were made in Nimes, Rennes and Toulouse and others against, were made in Paris and Marseille.

The ruling of the ECJ follows the "Return Directive" on the 2008 European arrangements deportation which provides for enforcement measures proportionate and graduated. Administrative detention is a last resort, according to this Directive which considers the sentence inconsistent with the objective of removing a foreigner.

Monday, May 9, 2011

MEXICO: 85 000 people protested against violence related to drug trafficking

More than 85,000 people, according to an estimate of city officials, marched silently Sunday in Mexico City against the violence unleashed by drug traffickers and the military response of the state, culminating in a march of four days left Thursday for Cuernavaca 90 km south of the Mexican capital.

The march "for peace, security and justice" was launched at the initiative of the poet and journalist Javier Sicilia, whose son was murdered in March.At the head of a crowd carrying a silent sea of ​​white balloons bearing the names of victims of violence, Javier Sicilia entered in the late afternoon on the Zocalo, the huge central square of Mexico, while only were heard the bells of the cathedral.

Protesters call for end to violence by drug traffickers and the rapid withdrawal of the 50,000 soldiers who have to confront the drug cartels since December 2006, the date of arrival in power of President Felipe Calderon.

According to official figures, this offensive has killed 34,600 between December 2006 and December 2010.According to estimates by the press, more than 3,000 additional people have died since early 2011.

"We want to give the faces, names, dates, each of these 40,000 victims has left behind this deadly strategy," told AFP Javier Sicilia from the event.

"National security is not only letting the troops on the street is a lot of other things," he said."We have to sit around a table and think about strategy, because what has been done so far has been a mistake."

The march had started on Thursday in the city of Cuernavaca, 90 km south of the Mexican capital - where last March 28, were found dead in a car and a son of Javier Sicilia, Juan Francisco, and six other people showing signs of torture. The killings were attributed by the government to a cartel of drug traffickers.

This is the second protest called by Javier Sicilia since the death of his son.The next initiative will be the signing of a pact in June for the national dignity, in Ciudad Juarez, northern Mexico, the city hardest hit by violence, with more than 3,000 deaths in 2010.

Leading the demonstration, carrying the flag of Mexico, also appeared Sunday Julian LeBaron, leader of a Mormon community in the state of Chihuahua (northern), whose son was murdered after being abducted."I'm here to be remembered for an end to impunity."

Behind him, holding his arms, marched Javier Sicilia and other relatives of victims with dozens of posters bearing the pictures of men and women dead or missing in the past four years.

Practicing Catholic, the poet had begun the day from the campus by a group prayer with other supporters. On the way, joined the procession Solalinde Father Alejandro, an advocate for immigrants from Central and South America who pass through Mexico to reach the United States.In August 2010, 72 immigrants from these regions had been murdered in a town north of the country by the cartel Zetas, a gang formed by former military elite of the Mexican army.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

FRANCE: September 30th Cent Tunisians forcibly evicted from a squat in Paris by the police

Shortly after 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, 137 Tunisian nationals were violently evacuated a building unsafe in the 19th arrondissement of Paris for three days they were squatting.

More than 200 riot police equipped with helmets, shields and batons, were loaded 137 Tunisians, and some twenty activists. Several witnesses have reported police violence against free squatters. "Members of the support committees and elected officials have made a human chain in front of the building.But they were jostled and manhandled by the police who broke down the door before entering, "says FRANCE 24 Ariane Calvo, deputy mayor of the 20th district, introduced during the evacuation." The 137 Tunisians were removed one after the other, molested and some flat on the ground without any help. They were scared to death. Many are minor, they would be mounted in the truck anyway, "continued Assistant Ariane Calvo. Detention for" damaging public property "The Tunisians were immediately placed on hold to a view in three police stations of 18th, 19th and 20th district.Only seven have been released. The 130 others were detained after being treated to a visit from a lawyer and a medical examination. According to several sources, the prosecutors took over the case. Migrants in an irregular situation, are charged with "damaging public property in a meeting". At 19 o'clock Wednesday night, no one was able to say more about their fate would be reserved. But given the government's determination in its desire to contain the flow of migrants from Lampedusa, associations like the elected left-mobilized by the evacuation feared a return to all its inmates in administrative detention center (ARC) followed by deportation ."We demand that the government respects the cooperation agreement signed between France and Tunisia in 2008 providing for the reception of 9000 Tunisian wishing to work in France. And we demand the establishment of an appropriate plan to help those who wish to return to Tunisia, "says FRANCE 24 Boistard Pascale, deputy mayor of Paris in charge of integration and non-EU foreigners.

Emergency accommodation precarious

Young migrants slept for several days or even weeks, in Parisian gardens, including the Parc de la Villette and the Parc de Belleville. Surviving in the most precarious and minimum hygiene conditions, migrants sought shelter at all costs.
"I visited the Parc de la Villette on Tuesday morning with Eva Joly and it was really indecent. A scabies epidemic was being spread. Another had leukemia. It really was not helping a person in danger" says Julien Bayou, a member of the collective Black Thursday. They have invested the building at 51 Avenue Simon Bolivar, on the night of Sunday to Monday.Police said between 80 and 100 Tunisians have occupied the building on Avenue Bolivar, while some occupants suggest a figure of 200, including several minors. "They were constantly harassed by police, were sleeping under the stars for many nights and nights. They just wanted a roof," says Oumeya Sedik, Member of the Tunisian Federation of the two banks (FTRD), their side since Sunday night. Bad choice though. The building, abandoned for several years, is dangerous. The risks of fire and collapse had finally convinced the collective black Thursday to leave the places they had invested in mid-April.
Considering the failure of negotiations held "dangerous and not intended as accommodation," according to a statement, the Paris City Council made the application for discharge after 48 hours of negotiations that resulted in failure.

"The situation was really tense after failed negotiations. Faced with this situation, we took our responsibilities and requested evacuation. But we regret," said Pascale Boistard FRANCE 24.

In the day Tuesday, elected officials and city officials tried to convince the Tunisians to leave the building to reach accommodation not funded the City: 100 seats were made available immediately in three shelters with a promise of 50 additional places. A proposal from the insufficient number of applicants continues to increase. Afraid of being separated, arrested or caught in an ambush during the transfer, the Tunisians have refused to leave Bolivar Avenue. "The migrants found themselves in an impossible situation to have to choose who would stay and who would go, says Oumaya Sedik.There was no question that some are housed and the other thrown in the street. In addition, they have not risked their lives to come here and beg for homeless housing, "protested Oumeya Sedik stressing that some had a residence permit issued in Italy." He does not have permission Living in France to come, "warned Claude Gueant, during his meeting with his Italian counterpart, last April 8 in Milan. According to several sources, the interior minister was in the 19th district police station this Wednesday afternoon even as police conducted this evacuation muscular.

(Photo credit: Pierre Morel)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

LIGUE 1: Marseille and Lyon for quacks who let escape Lille

REUTERS - Exceeded Saturday Lille, Marseille was held in check Sunday Auxerre 1-1 and leaves the Yankees the lead in Ligue 1, Lyon looks to only a little further after its 2-0 defeat to Toulouse at the 33th day.

62 points with five games remaining, the Olympians are to a length of Lille, Avignon, Arles who defeated 5-0 Saturday while Lyons wins behind the leading duo, with 56 points - the same total as Paris, Another beneficiary of the weekend with the Dogue de Rudi Garcia.

At the Velodrome, the pair Jordan and Andre Ayew associated with Mathieu Valbuena attack, ensured the show in the first period but failed to find the net.

After the break, Andrew, the eldest of the siblings, tumbles into his lane on the left. Its center was deflected by the defense Burgundian lands at the feet of Valbuena, isolated at the far post, who deceives Olivier Sorin.

For twenty minutes, the Marseille are virtually leaders. But in the 77th minute, the Korean Jung Jo-Gook, who arrived at Auxerre this winter, inherits a long ball and enjoys an output of hazardous Mandanda.

Attempts by Andre-Pierre Gignac and Andre Ayew in added time did not allow the OM recover.

Lyon exceeded

"We are disappointed because we wanted to keep the head (...).We'll have to get back to work, "said Valbuena interviewed by Foot +.

Taking advantage of his draw in Auxerre was in 14th place, one point above the relegation zone.

If Marseille remains in the title race, Lyon deviates more and more after an afternoon in the Haute-Garonne black.

Lyon have conceded two goals and two red cards.

Largely overtaken by Toulouse, Rhôdanien have conceded a first goal in the 28th minute by defender Mauro Cetto Toulouse.In the 68th minute, Aly Cissokho lobb inadvertently his own goalkeeper Hugo Lloris.

The same Cissokho, punishable by a red card, joined the locker room in the 84th minute, leaving his partner, already reduced to ten men after exclusion of Michel Bastos, finishing with nine.

The OL is now seven lengths in the first place and sees the PSG winner Valenciennes 3-1 on Saturday night, returning to its height, threatening his place on the podium, qualifying for the preliminary round of the Champions League.

At the bottom of the table, Caen is out of the relegation zone thanks to its 4-0 victory over Nice in the field and gives up his 18th place in Nancy, which is the cost of its 1-0 defeat at Sochaux on Saturday night.

The Normans back in 15th place, level on points with their opponents the day, but with a more favorable goal difference.

Brest and Montpellier have not managed to tie in Herault (0-0).